Back to Basics

Strength WOD:


Immediately after:

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 10 Minutes of:

25 Double-Unders
5 Handstand Push-ups


View this photo Pt.1 
View this photo Pt. 2

Day 42 of the Burpee Challenge. Are people dropping like flies or hanging in there?

Getting back to basics or Michelle teaching the Chicken Dance:

Back to Basics_Squat

Mike 5RM Deadlifts:

Mike DL

Jim C_DL Sherry HSPU to AbMat

This week has started the New Year off with a back to basics approach. We are focusing on using our warm-up and movement prep time to spend a little time with group instruction on the basic fundamentals. This week is the air squat. Call it squat therapy. Spending those few minutes of talking through technique, providing cues to remember and finishing with coach led reps should lead to better movement. We want to ensure standards stay consistent as well as keeping the focus on form and intensity first rather than what the clock says. Sometimes we get so competitive or worried about what is RX’d we forget that we should be focused more on if we are moving correctly, is our range of motion full, and are we getting the full training benefit of the workout? If we do that then we will be more efficient in our movement and the fast times will come as we amp up the intensity level.

There were so many PR’s today they were too numerous to count. Congrats to all who PR’d either a 5RM or a 1RM deadlift or got a full handstand push-up. Chest bumps if you got better at double unders and props to all of you for trying various forms of handstand push-ups progressions, from piking on a box to using the wall with AbMat(s) under head. I know many came in thinking “no way” on the handstand push-ups but all of you left with a little more confidence about getting there. You also hopefully had fun too. Just think in only two days this week you have practiced a one legged squat, jumped rope and tried standing on your hands while trying to touch your head to the floor. It’s like being a kid again. Maybe tomorrow we will do monkey bars for time.


Want to attend the CrossFit Sectional Qualifiers competition for free in February for Washington? Then register as a volunteer and you can not only see everything you can help out. Go here for more info. Event is Feb. 27-28 at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds.

Various pics of all of you getting stronger today: