
3 rounds for time:

Run 400m
38 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
40 Pistols (20 per leg)


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Happy Birthday Shannon and Nan!

Shannon_KB Swing Nan_Pistol

Quote of the day: “Another birthday WOD? Man, people have to stop getting older in here.”

Today was pistols for Nan and kettlebell swings for Shannon. They both are runners too so for them I hope they loved this WOD. It was better than overhead squats I guess. For anyone who is new to the birthday WOD, we will help you celebrate your special anniversary of entry to this life by designing a WOD that might possibly make you or others want to keel over and end it all.

The pistol or one-legged squat is a movement that challenges the legs far more than the basic air squat. Unassisted bodyweight pistols require leg strength, balance and coordination (far more than the overhead walking lunge). There are several methods to scale this movement, from squatting to a box of varying height, to using a pole or post for balance, or to performing a “rocking” pistol where you rock onto your back and then roll your foot onto the floor and spring up into one legged squat. Whether you scale to one level or another, it matters not. What matters is you practice them to the best of your ability and be patient as you build up to a more advanced progression from one step to the next. 

Pistol Sequence:

Pistol Sequence - 1 Pistol Sequence - 2 Pistol Sequence - 3

Pistol Sequence - 4 Pistol Sequence - 5 Pistol Sequence - 6


Day 41 of the Burpee Challenge. 9 to go. Oh and don’t look now but despite joining the challenge late Jim M. is catching up!

Michelle is working with lululemon athletica to coordinate a date this month for the “Trunk Show”, please be sure to let her know ASAP if interested. The first choice is hold it Friday afternoon, if not then Saturday after classes are over. They will bring very expensive articles of tight clothing and pants that every woman I have ever heard swears have magic powers at making them feel like a supermodel.

Our next Paleo Challenge will commence after the Burpee Challenge. This time we will tweak it with some great inputs from CrossFit Seattle that we are excited to implement. Oh and before and after pics will be required!

Last but certainly NOT least tonight I was inspired to watch Jim C. complete a very hard benchmark WOD as RX’d. He did “Grace” which is 30 clean and jerks for time at 135 lbs. (for men). Let me rephrase that, he absolutely crushed “Grace” in 3 minutes and 15 seconds. That is unreal for a 1st attempt. Way to go Jim!


Jim clean and practically push pressing all 30 reps!