Body Work

Skills WOD Pt. 1:

4 Rounds not for time:  

1 Weighted Strict Pull-up (Dumbbell)
3 Strict Pull-ups
5 Kipping Pull-ups

* Rest as needed between Rounds; scale to negatives for weighted/strict pull-ups

Skills WOD Pt. 2:

10 Minutes to practice:  

Pistol (Single Leg Squat)
* Do mobility towards improving your pistol position; or work on box pistols, negatives, rocking pistols, or pistols.


3 Rounds for time of:

30 Walking Lunges
15 Toes-to-bar
400m Run 


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Pull-up work continues. Practice negatives, strict, weighted and bar hangs to improve your pulling strength.

Tomorrow we have three mixed pairs competing in the Stoneway CrossFit throwdown (Me and Lindsay, Rob W. and Deb, Rob S. and Jules). Should be some fun in the sun and a good opportunity to use our fitness.

Looking for Gold tickets to the CrossFit Games or know someone who is? A few people in the gym have some extra’s to sell so let us know or post to the Facebook group.

Training the Trainers by Emily Beers – CrossFit Journal article [pdf]

Pistol_Ben P