Power Max

Main Class:

Complete 5 Rounds of 90 seconds each of:

5 Power Snatch (as heavy as possible)
Max Reps Wall Balls (20#/14#) 

* Rest 3-4 minutes between intervals

Optional Checkout WOD:

For time:

In Teams of 2 complete 4 Rounds for time of:

50m Sled Push (245#/200#)
50m Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry (70#/53#)
* One parter pushes while one carries 50m, then switch to complete the round

Advanced RX Class:

Strength WOD:

1RM Power Snatch

Conditioning WOD:

Complete 5 Rounds of 90 seconds each of:

5 Power Snatch (as heavy as possible)
Max Reps Wall Balls (20#/14#) 

* Rest 3-4 minutes between intervals

Optional Checkout WOD:

For time:

In Teams of 2 complete 4 Rounds for time of:

50m Sled Push (245#/200#)
50m Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry (70#/53#)
* One parter pushes while one carries 50m, then switch to complete the round


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Get ready to go while one throws:

Change and Throw

Sled Work

This post was delayed due to delayed onset muscle soreness from yesterday’s Stoneway CrossFit Queen Anne Riot Throwdown. This team competition in Seattle was held at the track outside at SPU and over 30 teams competed in scaled and RX divsions. We had three male/female teams of 2 from SRCF compete (Rob W. and Debra, myself and Lindsay, and Rob S. and Julianna) and all of us had a blast placing somewhere in the top 10 teams (results are not yet posted). It was a well run team building event that was a great example of the broader CrossFit community. As Rob W. would say “Everything is AWESOME!”

Team SRCF_Queen Anne Riot


31Heroes Team WOD

Our annual participation in the 31Heroes Memorial Team WOD will be on Saturday, August 9th at 9:30am. 

More Details to come but go register here. This is a fun and challenging team workout in honor of our fallen heroes.


CF Games:

Amazing how far CrossFit has come over in Africa.

The Story in Africa – [video]