Bunch of Jerks

Strength WOD:

Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM) for 10 minutes complete:
3 Push Jerks

* Clean from floor, post load.

Conditioning WOD:

2 Rounds for time:
750m Max Effort Row
Rest 4 Minutes between efforts


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Rona posted this Push Jerk coaching cue below she found on the Facebooks. The efficient push jerk demands an agressive jump and land under the bar with a powerful lockout overhead. Keeping the chest angle vertical and the knees out is key to not tipping forward which can result in a miss.

CrossFit Cue of the Day:

“Miss LOW”: Use this for jerks, especially when the weight is heavy and they’ve already missed a rep. I’ll tell them the only acceptable miss is to get too far under the bar. Don’t miss being tall. It’s not about them lifting the bar any higher, they just have to pop the bar 1″ off their shoulders and the rest is a dive to get low and tight. 

This helps with people who seem stuck push pressing everything and don’t trust the jerk. I’ll also clap twice [clap, CLAP] so they get the quick acceleration DOWN. You can also say “trap DOOR”, meaning the instant you float the bar, you drop through the floor and catch it locked out. ~ Justin Bergh, CrossFit Level 1 Seminar Staff

ME Row


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