It's Your Birthday

For time: 

40 Double-Unders
40 Air Squats
40 Toes-to-Bar
40 Air Squats
40 Handstand Push-ups

40 Air Squats
40 Toes-to-Bar
40 Air Squats
40 Double-Unders


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Happy birthday Teri!

Coffee Crew

The birthday WOD. It can be brutal or just tough, but either way is a good, challenging workout. It usually has something you love or are good at and something you hate or is a goat. For those who are new here’s some guidelines. We will program a birthday workout for you as long as you request one in advance. When you do I need the following: days you are in the gym for the week around your birthday, age and/or birthday (for numbers to help with rep schemes), and exercises you both like and dislike. From that we will make a workout or pick a known workout that fits.

Bday WOD


Sunday 12/16: We have two teams of four men and women each competing at the Gorilla Games at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue. Cost is $10 for spectators and kids are free. The Games will run from 7am-4pm (at least). Come join me to help cheer on your fellow SRCF peeps!

Monday 12/24: SRCF Christmas Eve workout “12 WOD’s of Christmas”. Sign-ups will be posted for a few waves. Stay tuned for the Holiday week class schedule.


Congrats to Deb and son Zach who tackled the Cystic Fibrosis 2012 Stair Climb last week to help raise $2225 for charity. This is Deb’s 13th year in running the stairs!

Homework. Take this quick test! Remember “knees out, hips back, armpits forward”.

Is It Your Shoulders? Quick Test.”