Double Down

For Time:

10 Thrusters
50 Double-Unders
8 Thrusters
40 Double-Unders
6 Thrusters
30 Double-Unders
4 Thrusters
20 Double-Unders 
2 Thrusters
10 Double-Unders

* Choose:  (135#/95#) or (115#/85#) for RX


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Thrusters and Double-Unders:

Thrusters Double Unders

Fun in the sun with a hey-uge crowd this morning. BIggest Saturday class in awhile (26 peeps) and I missed my chance to get a picture of them all waddling like ducks in the warm-up with the duck walk. Thanks to everyone for keeping things moving as well as to the vets who helped out the few who are new.

After the WOD; two new man tests emerged. We now have three. 

  1. Max Wall Ball Throw
  2. Reverse Wall Ball to Red Line
  3. Handstand Walk up the bumper plate steps

Man Test 2_Max Wall Ball Throw - 1Man Test 2_Max Wall Ball Throw - 2Man Test 2_Max Wall Ball Throw - 3Man Test 2_Max Wall Ball Throw - 4

Man Test_Reverse Wall Ball  - 1Man Test_Reverse Wall Ball  - 2Man Test_Reverse Wall Ball  - 3Man Test_Reverse Wall Ball  - 4

Love this video:


Breathe“: This Crossfit inspired piece is an experiment in sound, small moments, dynamic build and human intensity. It’s a race against the clock that we all must face, and a reminder to breathe, because you can.

Triple Trouble

21-15-9 Reps of each for time:

Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Power Snatch (75#/55#)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups


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Powerful Women:

Powered Up

Keep those WOD inputs from yesterday’s post coming. So far we’ve seen a few requests both here and on our Facebook Group. All great ideas (except for Mark’s inverted burpees which have been banned for now due to him being way too good at them) and they will get worked in over the next couple months. 

Class Saturday is at 0930 (no change even though the Open is over). CF Kids too.

Within the next couple weekends we will be running the Advanced RX Challenge for those interested (after the Saturday 0930 WOD). The Advanced Skills Test will be the pre-requisite test for being able to attend a separate RX Only Saturday class that will start in June on Saturdays at 1045. I will run this class after the normal Saturday WOD. It will be one hour and consist of advanced WOD’s. The workouts will require extra mojo and go-juice. You will receive coaching but expect that you will hit WOD’s ranging from Main Site workouts to CF Football to Games level WOD’s to just plain harder stuff. Scaling will be minimal.

The reasoning behind this class? With the Open behind us there are many who have advanced in their relative skill and fitness level that certain skills become the next “bar” for them to reach. Training for next year’s Open and/or other CrossFit competitions requires advanced skills. Whether it’s heavy loads, oly lifts, ring work or more we want to ensure we are providing an opportunity for truly building elite fitness in those who are chasing it. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea and we get that. Like all athletic endeavors there is a wide spectrum of skill and desire. This class will be open to any members (and coaches) who can pass the test. This class will be kick ass!

By having this class we will be able to offer coaching on advanced skills and keep the classes on a level that has scaling appropriate to the workout and group. When you were in high school you likely had AP (Advanced Placement) English or Math. Same concept. If you decide to take the test and don’t pass it then it gives you goals to work towards. It doesn’t mean you won’t ever pass it. It means you have things to work on. That is what the WOD’s are designed for every day in the box. Think: Bigger. Faster. Stronger. The old fashioned way, through hard work. Don’t worry, periodically we will have an opportunity to re-test or test in if you are new.

Now for the most important question. How many skills are needed to be passed to get into the Advanced Class? Stay tuned.

‘N Sync:

Synched Snatches - 1 Synched Snatches - 2

Synched Snatches - 3 Synched Snatches - 4

“The Man Test: Aspen Wall Ball Game” – video [wmv] [mov]

We need to have our own man/woman tests. Got ideas? Bring it!

Sun-sational day!

5 rounds for time:

250m Row
10 Deadlifts (225#/155#)
30 AbMat Sit-Ups


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Welcome to Pat’s Wheelhouse. Training continues for the Masters:

Pat Rows

Quote of the Day: “Free Range chicken ain’t free and that ain’t no range. Chickens are incarcerated; some are more feces pecking, death row toxic than others.” ~ Ted Nugent (my crazy uncle)

Finally the sun appears. This weekend we will likely return to the usual of showers interrupted by periods of rain alternating with shitty cold, bone chilling drizzle.

Rowers Ready

Do you have a WOD you want to see again or for a first time? It could be a benchmark, Hero, strength, team, main site, or one we have done here. I won’t promise we will do it soon but will work it into the programming if we haven’t done it recently. Post to comments.


Josh H. made the CF Affiliate Blog today!

This may become my next drink of choice for the summer (besides my year round drink of choice – Ana’s house margarita): Caveman Cocktail – Seaside Kitchen

Highlights from “Helen Meets Grace”, Mammograms In Action fundraiser – video [wmv] [mov]

Kids copy what they see:

Never Too Early

"Death by Power Clean"

Strength WOD:

Press (Strict)

Checkout WOD:

With a continuously running clock perform 1 Power Clean (95#/65#) the first minute, 2 Power Cleans the second minute, 3 Power Cleans the third minute, and so on, continuing to add 1 each minute until you cannot complete the required number of reps in the given minute.

Score total rounds and reps in the last round completed.


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Rob presses it out:

 Press It Out

Cleaning Crew:

Death by Pwr Clean

Lots of rounds in this “death by” today. Who has sore legs from Monday?! For those with super high numbers and good cleans next time consider going heavy and stay efficient. See you all tomorrow for more good times! 

The Face of Intensity:


A word on the CF Games at the end of July. As you know Michelle and I (and several of your coaches) will be making our annual vacation pilgrimmage to the city of Torrance and the Home Depot Center in CA to watch the fittest battle it out. During this time the box will be closed. We will plan to post some workouts that anyone can do on their own while we are gone. Dates will be posted as plans are finalized.

That weekend of epic CrossFit competition includes our very own Pat who this year will be competing in the Masters Division. While we are down there of course we will be coaching him and supporting him. He will likely be allowed one coach who will have access to the workout/warm-up area. For anyone who is planning to go if you have any general questions about the Games please hit us up.

A few things to consider:

  1. It is hot. Africa hot.
  2. It is outdoors in the sun all day and night. 
  3. You are on your own for food, transpo, lodging, airport, etc. If you like soul food then there is a soul food grocery right out the gate so you are in luck there.
  4. You are responsible for managing your own daily schedule and logistics to get both to and from the HDC and anywhere else. I will not be coordinating any of that for anyone as it will take likely all of my efforts to simply get Michelle up and on time to the Games each day. That is a WOD in itself.
  5. It is not kid friendly. Don’t be those parents that left their kids broiling against a fence baking in the sun all day while their mom rooted for Speal and Mikko.
  6. If you do not like sitting in the sun for very long periods of time watching wave after wave of shirtless, jacked and tan people work out then the Games are not for you. 
  7. There is really nowhere else to go unless you decide to go to a theme park while you are there, or you can take a driving tour of Compton (located conveniently next to the HDC). 
  8. On site food and beer is astronomically priced. If you are willing to pay $16 for a beer please let me know as I would like to finance a loan for additional space for the box.
  9. Did I mention it will be hot? 
  10. Did I mention it will be all of the above for three long days?

If all of that is no problem then come one come all! It really is an epication! (defined as epic vacation)

While we are there we want to ask for your understanding that Michelle and I will be on vacation too apart from our role as Pat’s coaches. His success is our main focus, followed by our enjoyment of taking in the Games, seeing friends in the CF Community and hopefully getting a little sun, rest and relaxation. 

Now for some CF Games related Media, videos, and other cool stuff: 

Update on the Open: Week 7

Regionals and Games Prize Money Announcement

Annie Thorisdottir and the I.N.C.

Graham Holmberg is a Star



Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Rope Climb, 1 ascent (15’/12′)
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-up

Post number of handstand push-ups completed for each round


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Games Bound and climbing:

Pat_Rope Climb

Today was a new Hero WOD that was recently introduced on These WOD’s are ones we don’t need to see.

“Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on January 23, 2011 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him. He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol Bongfeldt.”

Laura F. and the banded HSPU:

Laura_Banded HSPU - 1 Laura_Banded HSPU - 2

Meghann and Kamran get their kip on:

Meghann_HSPUs Kamran_HSPU

Many of you had some PR’s today. Don’t forget to ring the PR cowbell! Congrats to those who learned a footlock, climbed a rope, learned to kip or use a new band or higher box for handstand push-ups. 


This month we will start a Movement & Mobility class that Rona will run. This class will focus on stretching, flexibility, mobility and the techniques you can use to improve your range of motion, work through your tight areas and explore your inner pain cave! Learning to prepare your body properly for a WOD will help you maximize your performance. Working to improve range of motion in those muscles and joints that are screaming will enhance recovery and get you back to working out or setting new PR’s or learning to move correctly. If you want to squat, press, run, pull, and push better than this class is for you.

When and how often will it be? What is the cost? How to sign up? Details to come soon.

Medicine Ball Medley

Five rounds for time of:
15 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
15 Medicine Ball Cleans (20#/14#)


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Wall Ball Fun

How to do a Med Ball Clean with Josh H.:

Med Ball Clean - 1 Med Ball Clean - 2 Med Ball Clean - 3

Med Ball Clean - 4 Med Ball Clean - 5

  1. Start with the med ball in a deadlift position
  2. Deadlift the ball into an upshrug with full extension of the hips
  3. At the top of the shrug drop down into a full squat while rotating the hands around the med ball
  4. Catch the med ball at the bottom of the clean and then stand up to full extension
  5. Don’t “throw” the ball up! This movement helps teach the barbell clean.


A family of CrossFitters: The Speallers Compete in the Open

Installing your own pull-up bar? Don’t call this guy! Here’s a video from the CF Games Open WOD 11.6:


EMBED-Workout Freak’s Pull-up Bar Failure – Watch more free videos

Team SRCF at the Northwest Throwdown


Whoo Hoo, congrats, wool hoots and contests to Sangeeta, Lucy and Lindsay (pictured L to R) for competing in the CF Marysville Throwdown yesterday! They all pulled up their knee high socks and dove into some CrossFit competition. We were able to get up there in time to see them all attack the last of 3 WOD’s together. Attack they did. Each of them in their own way. They competed in a field of over 30 women and completed 3 WOD’s in one long day that had everything from a ladder of deadlifts, pull-ups, and kettlebell swings to a “Grace”/Handstand Push-up combo and finally a brutal chipper of 5 different exercises that went from 10 reps up to 50 (increasing by 10) and back down again. 

Lindsay: Sumo Deadlift High Pull


For me it was motivating, inspiring, and gratifying to watch. Everyday as a coach we watch each of you. We see you sweat, work, collapse, and push to improve your health. We teach, drill, and remind all of you the big and little things that are required to move efficiently and safely. Throughout every WOD a little of each of us is revealed to one another. How we deal with triumph and failure. What we do when we are faced with a seemingly impossible task or how we react when our bodies or minds begin to let us down. To see three of our awesome ladies out there in front of a packed gym pushing themselves to snatch a heavy bar, put their toes through rings, do burpees, or jump on a big ass tire while everyone is watching and judging takes guts. When your abs and grip begin failing and you are missing reps you have a choice. Quit or shake it out and will yourself to get through them. Our ladies chose the latter.

Lucy: Over the Bar Burpee


Demonstrating good form and strong work ethic I couldn’t help but look at the three of them push themselves and think “F*ck yes. These women got strong in OUR gym. And they were willing to come out here today and give this a shot.” It made me proud. It really is something that can get lost in the heat of a competition and was a good reminder for me personally that it really doesn’t matter what your time is or what your final standing is. What matters is you do it RIGHT. That you do it legit and you give it your BEST. Our ladies did this and that alone makes them winners in my book.

Sangeeta: Toes through Rings


So high fives and chest bumps to Lindsay, Lucy and Sangeeta! They pushed themselves to do some new things, set some cool PR’s and grew stronger yesterday. Keep being awesome and training hard for that next taste of competition.

3-2-1 Lift

SRCF all Kool and the Gang after the Throwdown:

Kool and the Gang

"Helen Meets Grace"

In a Team of 2, Complete For Time:

3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
12 Pull-ups

Then Complete:
30 Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)  

* One partner works at a time; split reps as you see fit
** Both partners must run 400m together
*** One kettlebell and one bar per team


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Fun Team WOD mash-up Saturday:

Team Helen

How cool is this? A mom and daughter from Rainier CF are moving on in the Games. One goes to the NW Regionals and the other to the Masters at the Games.

Mother and Daughter Shooting for the Games” – 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the awesome Mom’s out there!

Go Mom!

Mollie got her 1st kipping pull-up Saturday and then Levi busted one out too:

Mollie_1st Pull-up Levi_1st Pull-up

New Coach

For Time:

50 Lunges
10 Push-ups
40 Lunges
20 Push-ups
30 Lunges
30 Push-ups
20 Lunges 
40 Push-ups 
10 Lunges
50 Push-ups


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Bow Down to Rona:

Bow Down to Rona

Rona took over the Friday 5pm class tonight and instantly asserted command by making everyone worship her… Okay actually she just made them do 150 lunges and 150 push-ups. Which is worse?! Great job and contests to Rona for running her first class solo! Rona will be coaching the 5pm Friday classes from here out. Give her a chest bump when you see her. She earned it!

Best of luck to Lucy, Rob, and Lindsay who are representing SRCF tomorrow at the CF Marysville Throwdown. Also to Moe, Marc, Laura, and everyone else I missed who are running the Cinco De Mayo 8k and 1/2! Go have fun and THROW DOWN!


The Back Kip or Backward Roll on the Rings” with Dusty Hyland,CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

Jenna practices the latest fad in the box; Baby Mobility (baby not included with membership):

Baby Mobility

Birthday WOD: The Zohan

For Time:

1 Mile Run 
29 Deadlift (275#/185#)
11 Muscle-Ups
29 Kettlebell Swing (70#/53#)
11 Muscle-Ups
29 Snatch – Squat (95#/65#)
1 Mile Run

Sub: 2 Chest-to-Bar pull-ups or 1 Bar Muscle-Up for 1 Muscle-Up 
Sub: Power Snatch and Hang Power Snatch/Hang Snatch (Squat)


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Happy 29th belated birthday to Coach Mark!


Killer WOD for a killer Coach! Even though Mark can do pretty much everything even a WOD filled with strengths can still be brutal. The running? That’s my birthday gift!

Tough week of programming so far, but how different is that really from any week? Short WOD’s can be just as challenging as long ones. A quote from someone I heard running today “I am never telling you my birthday”. Gotta love it.

Mark showing his excitement over his birthday WOD:



Today is our 2 Year Anniversary of being a CrossFit Affiliate! Time flies when you are having fun making people do burpees!

Watch: Update on the Open: Week 6

Read: Stop Waiting For Applause: CrossFit Lisbeth

Rona is putting together a Mobility/Flexibility WOD Class that we will offer soon. Stay tuned!

CrossFit Kids and Saturday WOD will be at normal time this week (0930), even though some are running the Cinco De Mayo Race and also some are competing at CF Marysville in the Throwdown.

Derek and Meghann pulling heavy stuff:

Derek and Meghann_DL