"The Bear Complex"

Perform 5 sets of 7 sequences (complexes) of the following exercises:

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

  1. Bar must touch the ground each sequence but cannot rest on the ground or it terminates the set. 
  2. Goal is to increase loads each round to complete “The Bear” with max load.  
  3. Rest as needed between sets.
  4. You must power clean the bar to full standing position before squatting the weight.   

Bear_Sherry Bear_Lucy Bear_Jim Push Press
Bear_Curtis Bear_Greg

First I want to apologize for not having a picture of Amanda.  Michelle got the pics of everyone else today doing “The Bear” but I got so caught up with the WOD tonight and the camera stayed on the countertop.

That said, tonight was really cool and watching Amanda learn to power clean, then push and convince herself she could complete this WOD and add some weight was inspiring. My favorite moment was in the middle of the 4th round when she looked at me after two complexes and said with a smile “I never thought I would be working out with barbells and in a garage” and then proceeded to grind it out.

A few observations:

As you all added weight through this WOD it became apparent to all of you why the dip and drive of the push press is more efficient than just trying to press it up. Muscle memory started kicking in and confidence with the movement techniques grew each round.

Both of us saw powercleans improving.  Keep that barbell close to the body, remember it’s explosive, incorporate that shrug and keep it close to the body as you rotate your elbows around.  Avoid the reverse curl impulse. We will also plan to coach the barbell back squat more in pre-WOD Elements as the low bar back squat will be new to all of you.

Video demo from the CrossFit main site of “The Bear” WOD:
Quicktime click here
Windows Media Player click here

Tabata Mash Up

For each of the below exercises perform max reps for 8 consecutive intervals of: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. 

Rest 1 minute between exercises.  

Push Press (45#/35#)
Kettlebell Swing (54#/35#)
AbMat Sit-ups

The Tabata score is the interval with the lowest number of reps per exercise.

Neil KB Swing
Tabata Resting

Robin finished Elements and Jorge is two down, one to go! Nice job!

We are starting a newsletter that we will try to publish and email out monthly. If you don’t want it just let us know. We will email it out later this week. Oh and shirts shipped today and should be here by Friday!

Hip, Hop, Hooray…

Warm-up then work to three rep max deadlift. Then perform the following WOD.

21-15-9 for time:
Deadlift (Bodyweight)
Wallball (20#/14#)
Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Pick your poison. Each of these exercises is opening or closing the hip.  Put them together and it’s a challenge to go from one exercise to the next. Short but effective.  Just what we wanted after a long WOD yesterday. 

Welcome to Lucy and Jorge who started Elements with us today.  Everyone narrowly missed a burpee penalty by introducing themselves to our newcomers to make them feel welcome. Nice!

Sherry DL
Curtis WB Bridget Box Jump
Thank you everyone for parking today off the cul-de-sac when it was crowded. I guess it means you all read the website! 
Oh and here is Part 2 of the Kipping Pull-up by Robb Wolf and Nadia Shatila on Again Faster. Part 1 can be found here. Practice your kipping motion in movement prep and also post WOD if you have some time and energy.  

The Kipping Pullup – Part Two from Jon Gilson on Vimeo.

"Fractured Runny Angie"

4 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
25 Pull-ups
25 Push-ups
25 Sit-ups
25 Squats

This is modified version of the benchmark WOD “Angie“. It’s not easier. It’s not scaled. There is some running added to it and the sequence is different.  It all adds up to one tough WOD. 

A few of you missed some WOD’s this week due to being sick or being on vacation. Things just happened to line up so that we could have a “make-up” session today. I’m really glad we did it. Amanda, Curtis, Deb and Jim all gutted through this and hit their own milestones with this WOD. For Curtis is was getting through the entire WOD as RX’d and with kipping pull-ups! For Jim it was getting all of his push-ups RX’d. Amanda in only her second week scaled this to an amazing three rounds after being sick for the past few days. Deb stormed through the whole WOD and her jumping pull-up has now reached “graceful” status. After everyone left I did this one too to share in the pain. All in all a great Sunday.

What are you all hanging around for?
What are you all hanging around for?
“Fractured Runny Angie” Gang (pre-WOD):
Saturday we were at CrossFit Tacoma attending the “Chasing Performance: Movement, Mobility and Maintenance Seminar with Kelly Starrett”.  This seminar taught us how the body works in CrossFit, how to increase our flexibility and range of motion through dynamic and static stretching/movement, as well as methods for better preparation and recovery. It was fantastic and packed with great information! It will also soon become an official CrossFit Certification. 
We will be incorporating what we learned through more varied movement prep and warm-ups before the WOD, and more focused stretching and mobility techniques after the WOD.
Ummm, what is Kelly Starrett looking at here?
Peeping Kelly

"The Squatch"

3 Rounds for TIme:
800m Hill Run with 50# Sandbag
5 Muscle-Ups
10 Kettlebell Swings (70#)
15 Overhead Squats (95#)

Squatch dropped in today for a WOD with me.  As most of you have caught some sort of bug (Michelle included) I had to go it alone. It was just the sort of WOD he likes and it kicked my butt! This grinder will become our very own benchmark WOD. Don’t worry, it’s all scalable… except for the hill.

“Dirt Angel Aftermath”
Dirt Angel

Tomorrow we will be at CrossFit Tacoma attending the “Better CrossFitting: Movement Mobility and Maintenance with Kelly Starrett” clinic.  This clinic is designed to teach understanding of how the body works in functional movement, how to increase flexibility, increase our range of motion, and treatment and prevention of common sports related injuries. We look forward to sharing our knowledge with all of you.

Boxes and Bells

No it’s not Christmas!  But this WOD is our gift to you.

For Time:

Run 400m
21 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
21 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
Row 500m
15 Box Jumps
15 Kettlebell Swings 
Run 400m
9 Box Jumps
9 Kettlebell Swings 
Row 500m

Travis and Deb made up Dueling Thrusters from yesterday.  As a married couple the duel was appropriate and pretty much a draw for them.  The rest of you did today’s WOD (including Michelle and I). It’s interesting to see how there is a good split between those who like rowing and those who like running.  What’s great is we ordered another rower so that means you will get to see more of the rowing soon to balance out the running.  This weekend the topics of the daily posts will cover rowing and double under tips.  Stay tuned.

Tom coaching Lyndi on the rower:
Lyndi Rowing
Sherry swinging away:
Sherry KB Swing
Parking request: If you see the driveway is full please park around the corner of our cul-de-sac. We suggest parking on the street that is past the mailbox on the left with no houses built yet. It’s the street that is directly at the 400m Run turnaround.  Then you can jog up as part of the warm-up!  This avoids stacking cars past our driveway which blocks emergency vehicles that may need to turn around in our cul-de-sac and allows us to be more respectful of our neighbors. Thanks for your understanding.

Dueling Thrusters

Add 1 Thruster (95#/65#) for each minute on the minute.

1st Minute = 1 Thruster, 2nd Minute = 2 Thrusters, 
3rd Minute = 3 Thrusters, 4th Minute = 4 Thrusters…etc.

Complete as many minutes as possible until you are no longer able to perform the RX’d number in that minute. Score total minutes plus reps completed.

Everyone got to “duel” a partner for most minutes and reps completed.  Except poor Amanda who got to duel herself.  But at least she won!

Dueling Thrusters


Strength work of three sets of three reps with the goal of reaching a three rep max (3RM):
Overhead Squat
Followed by 
AMRAP in 15 Min. (As Many Rounds As Possible) of:
5 Burpees
7 Medicine Ball Cleans (20#/14#)
10 Overhead Squats (95#/65#)

Overhead squats are making progress. The below side by side comparison shows Adriana one month ago to now.  The “Before” shot on the left was the first time she encountered OH Squats in a WOD (Nancy).  The “After” on the right shows how even though we haven’t worked OH squats with anything more than a PVC during warm-ups her range of motion, strength, flexibility and body position is improving. What will these look like in another month?

A few improvements stand out in the pictures. 
1) To support the bar in the squat, she is pushing the bar back behind her head farther to allow her chest to stay up.  This is causing the load to put more stress on the shoulders.
2) She used more of her arms to support the bar and you can see her right elbow bent. 
3) Her squat depth previously was what you see in the picture.  

1) She is supporting the bar (which is loaded heavier) in a more stable position that is directly over her midline as she squats. It is just behind her ears and remains there throughout the squat.
2) She has more “active shoulders” which is the upshrug feeling with locked out arms that helps keep the core tight and load balanced overhead. 
3) Full squat depth today with each rep (she is rising in the picture here).

Before:    After:

Adriana OH Squat Before Adriana OH Squat
Big welcome to Robin who went through his first WOD and Elements part one tonight.  Robin and his wife are both former competitive rowers that we are excited to have join us (Lucy begins next week).
Robin Rowing

"This is hard"

or “that was Hell” or our favorite, in response to asking Greg if he was ready to try 95 pounds: “I should’ve kept my big mouth shut.” All quotes of the day. All six of you had similar observations. Remember hard work produces results.

4 Rounds for Time:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95#/65#)
15 Pull-ups
30 Squats

Amanda_This is Hard

We have a some shout outs today for a couple friends.  First off Alexandra Seal from CF No Limits completed her CrossFit Level 1 Certification this weekend down in Aromas, CA. She is front and center on the left side of the barbell. Congrats Alex!

Our good friend Derek from high school was in town visiting for the weekend and we got to throw down a few WOD’s and several PR’s. He’s been CrossFitting since January and has drunk the Kool-Aid. While here he completed Fran as RX’d and a CF Total. He also managed to nail his kipping pull-ups, learn handstand push-ups, power cleans, deadlifts, and most importantly got his first muscle-up! Then he strung a few together for good measure. Here’s a pic and video of that accomplishment. Great effort Derek!
Derek First Muscle-Up
Derek First Muscle-Up Video:

Clean Up

For Time:

Alternate the following exercises in a ladder format.
15, 12, 9, 6, 3 of Pull-ups
 3,  6, 9, 12, 15 of Power Cleans (115#/85#)

* For extra credit do chest to bar pull-ups and 155# power cleans. 

Derek is a close friend of ours and fellow CrossFitter that is visiting us from the east coast for the weekend. He wanted to get some work in on cleans and kipping pull-ups so after some instruction we all threw down this WOD together.

Power Clean Twins Tom and Derek PC_Pullup WOD
We just introduced the double under in yesterday’s WOD.  For those that this is new territory, it’s a skill that takes practice and patience.  Here are some good techniques to help you learn in this video on Double Unders from Again Faster.

Double Unders from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.


Good luck to Travis who is running in the Mt. Hood 10k Scramble Race tomorrow! Don’t get stuck on the mountain!