Clean Up

For Time:

25 Pull-ups 
15 Power Clean (135#/95#)
200m Run 
20 Pull-ups 
10 Power Clean
400m Run  
10 Pull-ups 
5 Power Clean 
800m Run 


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Quote of the Day that Jenna found:

“Check your ego at the door, somewhere in the world a high school kid is warming up with your PR.”

Rona_Set Position

Hypothetical Question: If we had a 6pm Friday class would you honestly come to it? Post answer to comments.

Coaching Tip: The Power Clean Finish Position with Amanda and Jana

Amanda_Elbows High Jana_Finish PC

  • Keep the elbows high and parallel to the ground for the ideal “rack” or “finish” position
  • Fingers are loose to allow the elbows up 
  • Bar should rest above the chest and on the shoulders, chest is upright
  • Feet are in the landing position ideally beneath the hips

Pat and Mark completed the 2nd WOD in the latest 3 WOD Again Faster “Beat the Team to Win” series. This WOD was pretty tough and they both came away with killer times using different strategies (Pat 8:00 and Mark 7:55).

For time:

200 Double Unders
9000#/7000# of Deadlifts
75 Barbell Thrusters (45#)

* Weight on deadlift bar will determine # of reps.  If weight isn’t an even multiple of the 9000#/7000#, athlete will round up.  For example, if you choose to complete the 9000# with 185# (9000/185=48.6), you’ll complete 49 reps.  
* Reps can be partitioned as the athlete wishes.
* Once workout begins, deadlift weight must remain the same.