Coach Rona's 2 Year Anniversary

Rona recently hit her 2 year anniversary last month in the box. What a ride! Here’s her own reflection on this past year and just some of the many great things she has accomplished and earned. I wanted to share it because it’s a pretty cool list. As Rona would say (actually type); Wool Hoot and contests (i.e. Whoo Hoo and congrats)!

PR Power Snatch

Holy 2 year CrossFit Anniversary!

Can you believe it!? I can’t. This one flew by faster then the first. November 27th is the 2nd year anniversary of my first WOD. If you’re curious my first official CF WOD was:

Strength Power Cleans 3-2-2-1-1-1 
results: 35/45/55/60/60/60 

Checkout: AMRAP 12 min
5 Power Cleans (95#/65#)
50m sprints
results: 7 rds + 5 power cleans @ 50#

The most note worthy CrossFit related event for me was getting my Level 1 CrossFit Certification. I signed up, I studied, I WOD’d, I stressed, I studied some more. Then it was here! I was so excited and nervous after hearing stories from all the trainers that had gone before me. The class was very well run. Todd Widman was our head trainer. We all learned more then our little brains could hold. Not to mention a weekend of drills with a PVC was completely physically exhausting, every muscle ached. Who knew, PVC drills could kick your ass so hard? I met some great CF people, some who I still keep in touch with. We are now bonded by our level 1 cert. 🙂 Day 2 came and rumor had it we would be WOD’ing and it was likely Fran. I was ok till I saw Tom, Michelle, Kim, Jeremy, and Mark all drive up as we were warming up. That’s when I realized, this was “the moment”, it’s a big deal, and its Fran. I was right about most of it. It was actually Team Fran. I was so thankful to have all the SnoRidge Coaches (And Kim) there to support me. I should note, I was the ONLY one who had people come to cheer me on…the only one out of just under 100 people. (you know how we are always talking about how our box is special? Definitely special!!!) After passing the finally day test, I received my actually paper certification, my family came to take me to a special celebratory dinner. Then one last gift, Rob let me go to bed without having to help get the kids ready for bed…I was exhausted.

Some highlights from my 2nd year of CrossFit I don’t want to forget:

  • Shadowing the SRCF Coaches
  • Coaching my first WOD
  • First Open competition (talk about butterflies – you’d think I was competing at the Games)
  • 1st Kipping handstand push-up
  • Breaking 200# on my deadlift
  • 1st Muscle up! 1st Muscle up! 1st Muscle up!
  • Starting the Mobility and Movement class
  • 276 Fight Gone Bad
  • The Open
  • 1st rope climb WOD at the new box
  • Got 5 ring dips RX
  • Got 5 dead hang pull-ups
  • Rowing clinic
  • Gymnastic certification
  • 1st 105# split jerk (Open WOD)
  • Learning to Paddleboard
  • 1st headstand
  • Attending my first CrossFit Games
  • Meet some of my CrossFit faves (Annie T., Kelly Starrett (the original Supple Leopard, and Mikko)
  • Having some of the greatest people is the World to share my blood, sweat and burpees with.

So thankful for each and every person I have WOD’d with over the past year, and everyone who has offered support by cheering. Thankful for my coaches, even if some of you love teasing me to a fault. -you know who you are.- I wouldn’t want to train anywhere else. Thankful for my kids that are always willing to go to CrossFit. Most of all I’m thankful for my extremely supportive husband. NONE of this would be possible with you Rob!

Looking forward to what year 3 brings. 3,2,1…Go!”