"Couples Retreat"

2 Rounds, of each couplet consecutively, for time:

15 Power Clean (115#/75#)
30 Double-Unders

20 Wall Balls (20#14#)
20 Pull-ups

* Performed like “Twins“. (Complete 2 rounds of couplet 1 then move to couplet 2)


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Quote of the Day: “Dude, why are you grabbing my balls?” ~ Jorge to Jim after Jim stole his medicine balls

Jackie and Deb doing Power Cleans:

Jackie and Deb Power Cleans

PR Alert! So first off I have to apologize to Rob for not mentioning his 1 mile run PR yesterday with a scorching 5:35. It inspired several in the gym to get out and try to break it. Pat and Jeremy came in before yesterday’s afternoon WOD to try for theirs and Pat ran a 5:40 while Jeremy ran a 5:57. Then today Don came in and ran a blazing 5:24! I’m now motivated to try and get sub 6. It’s contagious! Rob also PR’d his double-unders tonight with 49 straight. 

Speaking of PR’s we are looking at hanging another whiteboard up to track PR’s for several things (like max rep double-unders, pull-ups, handstand push-ups, 400m run, 1RM lifts, etc.). This would be for the top 5 males /females or something like that since we can’t list everyone (which is a good problem). We encourage all of you to take a page in your WOD notebooks and dedicate it to writing down your own PR’s for bodyweight movements, lifts (1 rep, 3 rep, and 5 rep max), benchmark WOD’s etc. Just another way to motivate for us all to work on those skills and push for setting new goals to break.


Make sure you weigh in for the week for those in the Paleo/Zone Challenge. Stick with it! April is approaching.

Our Navy Seals use CrossFit, so do several military posts, air and naval bases, various units (both conventional and Special Ops) and our Marine Corps. Now the Canadian Army Combat Fitness Program and official Canadian Army fitness manual is based on CrossFit. 

Power Clean Coaching Tip Sequence (Steph, Jim M., and Greg): 

Power Clean Sequence - 1 Power Clean Sequence - 3 Power Clean Sequence - 2 

The proper power clean means assuming a deadlift stance, followed by and aggressive pull off the floor that reaches triple extension while keeping the bar close to the body, followed by receiving the bar in the rack position with the elbows high and forward.