"Deads, Sleds, and Dread"

Affiliate Team WOD:

21/15/9 reps of:
Deadlift (225#/155#)
Overhead Squat (135#/95#)


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Mark and Pat rock out their deadlifts:


Main WOD:

In teams of 3 complete a relay race of 5 Rounds for time of:

100 ft. Sled Push (70#/35#)
50 ft. Shuttle Sprint
12 Sledgehammer Swings (16#/12# at 6 per side)
100 ft. Shuttle Sprint
200m Row
50 ft. Shuttle Sprint
25 Squats
* One athlete works while others rest


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Tough Sledding with Rona:

Rona Sleds

 Today was one of our most favorite days in the box. Or outside of the box. When it’s that nice out we have to drag the equipment outside and generate some power and intensity. We had several great waves of people today show up to have some “brutal fun”. Seeing so many people gutting it out in two tough WOD’s and in such a great scenic setting was motivating. From deadlifts and heavy overhead squats to sleds and sledges, we mixed it up a bit. We hadn’t done a relay or team WOD in awhile so this WOD worked great for teamwork and used the new sleds and the tire and hammers. 

The affiliate team also got a taste of what going heavy in overhead squats will show you in terms of form faults. Overheads are improving! Getting a little beyond your comfort zone in the overhead squat will quickly amplify if you have shoulder flexibility or strength issues, whether you can properly support the bar while sending your posterior chain back and down, or if you have sufficient mid-line stabilization to support that load overhead. Kudos to Lorri and Lucy who found their groove and started getting the feel down for the OH Squat. Props to everyone for toughing out a very hard workout. Mark, Jeremy and Kim also joined us today from “The Compound” for the deadlift/oh squat WOD and then stuck around helping and coaching. Thank you so much for the good cues and extra coaching today.

“The Compound” Crew:

Mark OH Squats Kim OH Squat Jeremy OH Squat

Lots of pics from today’s WOD can be found on Flickr. Check ’em out and thanks to Jim for helping take some great ones!


Graham reported today that since he started CrossFit with us and switched to a strict Zone diet he has lost 20 pounds! All of that in only ONE month! Hard work, proper nutrition and consistency is clearly paying off. 

Paleo-Zone Challenge participants: Remember your weekly weigh-in’s. We strongly encourage food logs as you will be interested in 7 weeks to look back at what you ate. Stay consistent, strict and avoid cheat meals as much as you can until April, then see the results and slowly see what you add back in moderation.

Here’s a thought provoking post and discussion: “The Grain Manifesto

 Pat modeling the exclusive handmade “SnoRage 1 Member Club T-Shirt” for Curtis’s garage:

SnoRage 1 WOD Club Shirt