Out of Breath

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5… down to 1 rep(s) each for time of:

Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Dumbbell Thrusters (40#/25#)


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Burpee Box Jumps with Michelle:

Burpee Box Jump - 1 Burpee Box Jump - 2 Burpee Box Jump - 3 Burpee Box Jump - 4

DB Thruster - 1 DB Thruster - 2

I love WOD’s like this. When I programmed this WOD I was told I was mean. Maybe I am but this was designed to tax your legs and your lungs while making four or five movements into one difficult couplet. I also wanted it to be a medium length workout that had a high power output. Judging by how everyone felt after doing it I think it worked. The burpee is part push-up and full jumping squat. Combined with the box jump it quickly provides some “cardio” or aerobic qualities to the workout. The dumbbell thruster is the anaerobic and strength building aspect of the couplet that is part front squat and part push press. Done correctly it feels much heavier than a barbell thruster and makes your body scream to put the weight down. The movements together are somewhat advanced and help train coordination, agility and balance; all things that are truly missing components in most people’s fitness regimen (Ever see someone have to jump onto an elliptical machine?).

Last weekend in the Sectionals we got to experience sled pushing as part of a WOD. The suck factor was much more epic than I anticipated but it was still extremely fun. It proved mentally challenging for many as well as providing quite a total body workout. Because of that we went and bought three of their sleds afterwards. As our weather improves look to use these, the sledgehammers, and the tires more. One workout with any of those and I am convinced it will surprise all of you how mixing it up can be brutal but still so much fun.


We are full for 10am! We have Steph, Maria, Mark, Bridget, Bonnie, Melissa, Rona, Jana, Don. We’ll cap it at 9 people. 11 is open for anyone else.

Affiliate Team training is at 9am. Get in here and find your mojo! The Compound Crew will be joining us!

Volunteers needed for kid duty at the St. Patty’s Day Race 3/13. If you are not planning to run but are attending and don’t mind watching some kids for 30 minutes let us know.