"Fran: Week of the Games Day 1"

“Week of the Games”: 

From the Master’s Competition “Fran”

For time:

21-15-9 reps of the following

Thrusters (95#/65#)



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Mark does “Firefighter Fran”:

Firefighter Fran

Quote of the day: “Nobody looks nervous, so I’m assuming you all haven’t done Fran before.” ~ Michelle

“UGH! Don’t SAY that!” ~ Tara

Fran Silhouette 5 Alarm Fire

One of the great things about CrossFit (besides wanting to feel like you are dying every single WOD and then flopping on the floor) is the community. Here are several examples:

This weekend Michelle and I were able to reenergize by spending a weekend at the CrossFit Games in LA with great friends, amazing athletes, and all around cool people that make up our community. 

While we were away many of you unwittingly became Curtis’s SnoRage guinea pigs in a couple park team WOD’s that undoubtedly featured lots of laughs, confusion and trademark Curtis Rage. Thanks Curtis for getting everyone together and kicking some butt in the park!

We opened up the box today and had a great turnout including three drop-in’s. It was great meeting Dan and Donna who are CF’ers from Northern CA and Laura who was a newbie trying out her first WOD. These three all came in, met several of you and pushed their own limits while taking time to meet and greet. Talk about great examples of our community, two are on vacation (Dan and Donna) and hitting up CF gyms on the road, and the other (Laura) is a friend of Jana’s who was convinced to come give CrossFit a shot. Oh and congrats to Dan for achieving his 1st Fran as RX’d while in our box!

During each class today each crew achieved new PR’s and supported each other to finish and finish fast. People helped coach, cheer, or simply push their fellow CrossFitter through a mean benchmark workout. 

Old Guys Rule

These small examples are just a few reasons why it’s not just a workout and why it’s so damn hard to answer the simple question “What is CrossFit”? It’s a workout, it’s a lifestyle, and it’s a community. We are grateful to be apart of it and even more grateful you all are too.

Visitors Dan and Donna SnoRage Park Crew

Two frickin’ cool videos that motivate me right back into the gym:

The 2010 CrossFit Games Adidas Commercial with Speal and Heather Bergeron [wmv] [mov]

Highlights from the 2010 CrossFit Games by CrossFit Again Faster [wmv] [mov]