
Strength WOD:

Hang Power Clean 

* 20 Minutes max

Conditioning WOD:

3 Rounds for time of:

15 Hang Power Clean (135#/95#)
15 Burpees


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Hang PC_Spencer PR

A few months ago we did a 1RM Hang Power Clean and then this checkout. Tonight we repeated it and saw a ton of PR’s across the board. Cleans (both full and power) are all up and improving (including some coaches) and we’re seeing much less of the “jumping jack” technique flaw of jumping wide when heavy. The depth on a power (or hang power) clean should go lower towards a full squat clean as the weight gets heavier, as your footwork should emphasize not repeatedly jumping the feet out. 

Just because Mobi class was cancelled tonight doesn’t mean you couldn’t stretch. Put in the work and read the following: Shut Up, Flexibility by Greg Everett, Catalyst Athletics