Hour of Power

Strength WOD:

Hang Power Clean

Immediately after:

10 Rounds for time of:

3 Hang Power Clean (95#/65#)
6 Push-ups
9 Squats


View this photo Pt. 1
View this photo Pt. 2
View this photo Pt. 3

   Day 51 of the Burpee Challenge! Just KIDDING!

Michelle with a good shrug and full extension as the arms begin to bend:

Hang Power Clean

Laura with elbows high:

Laura and Jorge_Post Strength WOD

Anyone’s legs tired? This was a welcome break to focus on some upper body strength and improve our power cleans. The hang power clean, power clean, and squat clean take some getting used to. There is a pulling, jumping, shrugging, dropping, standing element to this thing. It’s fast yet it feels like you are moving in slow motion as the weight gets heavier and you near your limit. As you get heavier the flaws in technique get exposed and the inability to quickly jump, shrug and rotate the elbows around limits you far more than the weight itself. Those 5 – 10 pounds at your max can be frustrating if you fail or oh so satisfying if you get it. Keep working on the quick and powerful jump and hip extension, focus on fast elbows, then finish by the stomp on the floor. Most importantly, think power and don’t keep those feet glued to the floor!

Congrats goes to Jana for completing her 1st WOD with full RX’d depth squats:



A new study shows running shoes may cause more damage to hips, knees, and ankles (Thanks Curtis for sending this).

So I am in trouble with Household 6 (in the military the Unit Commander is designated with the number 6 after their call sign; Michelle is “Household 6”). In my haste to create the lululemon party and spend event (or is that spend and party?) on Facebook, I failed to run it through the approval committee, which consists solely of Household 6. So I created an event that was “open” and it was apparently quite the hit. There are a few folks we don’t know who have accepted or inquired, which is cool but not the primary intent which is to host an event that is for all of our SnoRidge ladies and other CrossFitters who are friends of ours. So if you are asked about it please let them know its for members or invitees but you’ll check with Michelle first; then let us know. If we have space we may open it up.

If you are wanting to attend the Saturday 10am class, post to comments. So far it’s Rona, Pat, Jeremy, and Curtis.