You Get to Choose


3 Rounds for time:
1000m Row
* Rest 4 minutes between rounds


4 Rounds for time:
800m Run
* Rest the same amount of time of the previous run between rounds

Immediately after complete the following check out WOD “The Nickel”:

5 Rounds for time of:

5 Broad Jumps (6ft. Stall mat length)
5 Push-ups
5 Pull-ups
5 Knees-to-Elbows (KTE’s)


View this photo

Knees-to-Elbows by Pat:


CrossFit comes in many different flavors. There is CrossFit Endurance, CrossFit Kids, CrossFit Football, and CrossFit Mom. There is also the orginal, (or Main site) as well as countless affiliates out there all offering a daily dose of constantly varied, functional movement done at high intensity. The WOD’s may be different, use different equipment, movements and time domains but they all follow the same basic tenets. Some boxes even use Strongman techniques mixed in. Things like tire flips, stones, farmer’s carries, yokes, and more. Rainier CrossFit is local and uses Strongman techniques with WOD’s and even sponsors an annual Strongman Event for charity. Another is CrossFit Conan, where Rob Orlando does the same. Here’s a video with an interesting variation on a class using tires and stones (the interviews with two new clients are also cool to see). 

Over time my goal is to vary the training tools we use; starting with tires, hammers, and sandbags. To you they may be torture devices, to us they are a chance for all of us to play like big kids.  

“A Class with Rob Orlando”, CrossFit Conan [wmv] [mov]

Some Squatch kids doing what their parents do:

Jack Jumped Over the Parallette AbMat Race


10am Saturday class is full. If you didn’t sign up for 10am then please come at 11am.

For those attending the Oly Lifting Coaching session tomorrow we will meet at the gym and leave at 2:30pm. We can all ride with Jeremy in his RV or you can caravan down. Session is from 3:30 to 5pm. Cost is $75.