
For time:

150 Wall Balls (20#/14#)


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Steph and Melissa meet “Karen”:

Steph and Melissa WB_Karen


Well cross wall balls off the list of things we haven’t done much of lately! 150 of them will certainly make for one heck of a workout. For those who have done this benchmark WOD before there was a lot of progress to compare to today. For those who are new this is a benchmark workout that is one commonly found across CrossFit. Pat and Nan owned the leaderboard with smoking fast times. Sub 7 for men and sub 8 for women is REALLY fast. There were many PR’s today from the last bout with “Karen”, here are some; Bonnie, Laura, Bridget going RX’d and Curtis, Pat, and Jeremy PR’d. Marc M. also took 4 minutes off his time while Sherry went for it at the men’s height (10ft. target) and hit every single rep above the line!

There was also one other really cool milestone today in the box:

Fran got her first pull-up!

Fran 1st Pull-up - 1 Fran 1st Pull-up - 2



Today was the deadline and 24 of us are officially in the Paleo/Zone Challenge. Outstanding! Stick with it and stay strict, and let’s see what happens after 7 weeks. Keep your diet logs!

We are CLOSED this Saturday! (No Classes on Saturday 2/27) Michelle and I will be competing at the WA Sectional Qualifiers for the CrossFit Games along with Moe, Lucy, Sherry, Lorri, Curtis, Travis and Pat. Above all we will be there to have fun! Good luck to all the competitors.

Watch “Mary’s Story” Pt. 1, A CF Journal Preview [wmv] [mov]

Mary is the mother of a couple of friends of ours who train at Rainier CF. This is the story of how CF is saving Mary’s life. One WOD at a time.