Never Forget

“9/11: Never Forget SRCF Tribute WOD”

9 Rounds for time:

11 Box Jumps (24″/20″) 
11 Thrusters (75#/55#)
11 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)


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Not Forgotten.

Never Forget WOD_Spencer

Thank you to Spencer for playing “Amazing Grace” on his bagpipes today before the WOD at the 0930 class. It was a very moving tribute and I was grateful to at least see the video that was taken.

Today was our
9/11 tribute WOD I designed last year (2012) that is different from ones we have
done previously (“343” and the “9/11 Throwdown” in 2011 and 2010). Today is a day to
reflect on the attack on our nation and those who were murdered that day, as well
as the lives that have been lost since that day. Completing a hard
workout dedicated to their memories is a small way to honor them as well
as thank those who have sacrificed for our freedoms as first responders, firefighters, law enforcement and military service members. Never Forget.