"Ocho Loco"

Strength WOD:

Overhead Squat 

Checkout WOD:

As Many Rounds as Possible in 8 Minutes:

8 Overhead Squats (75#/55#) 
8 Burpees


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Amanda on her way to a PR:

OH Squat_Amanda

Lots of PR’s today. The overhead squat is a technical lift. It requires flexibility, balance, coordination, and core, leg and shoulder strength. It can be a huge frustration and for us as coaches one of the easiest ways to identify poor flexibility or range of motion issues. With some simple cues though and the right load, it’s easier than you think to get down and up using decent form. Pushing the knees out to track towards the toes helped some, for others it was the cue of rotating the lats forward and pushing the shoulders up to the ears rather than pushing up and back behind the head. Breathing in and out at the top and holding your breath during the squat was vital to avoid becoming a weeble wobble and for many it was simply the cue to push the butt back first before squatting. Whichever cue it was, remember them, practice with PVC, and stretch all over. Be patient and the PR’s will keep coming.


Getting ready for the Regionals this weekend; tandem 185# Clean and Jerk with Moe and Michelle:

Tandem Clean and Jerk - 1 Tandem Clean and Jerk - 3
Tandem Clean and Jerk - 4 Tandem Clean and Jerk - 5
Tandem Clean and Jerk - 6 Tandem Clean and Jerk - 7Tandem Clean and Jerk - 8

More evidence that too much sugar sucks the life out of you. Read about this study from The Journal of the American Medical Association that concluded that in addition to sugar causing an increased waistline, it was a contributing factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. Just think about the statistic that the average daily added sugar consumption per person is 21.4 teaspoons! Cut back people.

What are the different types of sugar?

A Sugar By Any Other Name . . . exposing the added sugar in your food

Read ingredient labels—sugar has a number of different names. Food labels list ingredients in descending order by weight, so limit foods that have sugar listed within the first few ingredients or that have several sources of sugar listed. Here are a few of the terms that spell S-U-G-A-R:

Agave nectar 

Cane crystals 

Corn sweetener 

Crystalline fructose 

Evaporated cane juice 

Fruit juice concentrates 

High-fructose corn syrup 

Invert sugar

Malt syrup 




Brown sugar 

Cane sugar

Corn syrup 




Honey Lactose

Raw sugar Syrup

Source: Harvard School of Public Health and USDA Dietary Guidelines