Only ten days to go!

Day 40. Do Burpees…

Burpee Challenge

The barbell overhead walking lunge. I picked up this exercise from Morgan of CrossFit Tacoma and realized recently how we haven’t used it. I also realized yesterday how much I like it. Why? Because it is tough. It requires balance, coordination, and strength to walk and kiss your knee to the ground, all while keeping that bar safely and firmly supported overhead. It helps develop your overhead squat, another lift we need to do more of. So expect to see more of the overhead walking lunge. Which sucks for the rest of you… 

Michelle demonstrating the barbell overhead walking lunge as well as how thrilled she was to do this WOD in the rain yesterday:

M_OH Walking Lunge_Step M_OH Walking Lunge M_OH Walking Lunge_Step 2

Drenched Post WOD