Partner Power

Main Class:

As a Team of 2 complete for time: 

60 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
20 Power Snatch (115#/75#)
50 Toes-to-bar
20 Power Snatch
40 Burpees
20 Power Snatch
30 Handstand Push-ups
20 Power Snatch

* Partner up, split reps as desired and move in order, one barbell and box per team. Sub DB/KB press for HSPU (use different #’s/scales if needed)

Advanced RX Class:

Strength WOD:

Power Snatch

Conditioning WOD:

10 Rounds for time of:

3 Power Snatch (135#/95#)
3 Muscle-ups


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MU_Jennifer Smith

Great tips in the following article for both lifters and coaches. Note
we mention shrug but always focus on FINISH! The tips on power position,
hook grip and the mention of no gloves are outstanding.

6 Olympic Weightlifting Habits To Break Today! by Daniel Camargo

Here are some great skill development ideas for learning to handstand hold and progress to a handstand walk by none other than Jeff Tucker, the guru of CrossFit Gymnastics. Read up and then get those feet up!

Getting Comfortable In The Handstand by Jeff Tucker

Worm Clean and Jerk
