"Pick Your Poison"

3 Rounds for total reps:

You will choose one movement to do for 3:00, then another to do for 2:00, and the final for 1:00.

Like FGB, there is no rest between movements. As soon as the first 3 minutes are over, you move immediately into your next movement. Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

The movements:

Row for Calories
Overhead Squats (95#/65#) 

You will choose which movement you do for what amount of time. The order 3mins, 2mins, and 1min doesn’t change. Post total reps (put the row calories in the reps field) and reps for each of the movements per round.


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Yes Rob and I called and coordinated outfits today:

Pick Your Poison

I really liked this WOD format. Similar to the workout we did recently from the Team Again Faster Challenge I programmed this one to choose three very different movements that each likely have a strength or weakness for everyone. These movements also meant you could get similar numbers across each during that same timeframe. A good example would be comparing three different people who each chose a different order and started with either rowing (Pat), OHS (me), or pull-ups (Rob). Each of us started differently but got similar rep totals per round. Allowing you to strategize which one to go 1st, 2nd, and 3rd makes you think and makes it fun. 

Marc had a really good idea recently when asking some general questions around scaling and the desired effect in a given WOD. One of the key points of feedback was that sometimes it’s hard to guess what the desired effect of a given WOD is or what time range or rep range we as your coaches are looking for. This got us talking and we will do our best to start writing on the whiteboard (especially for benchmark’s or Hero WOD’s) what time range we should average for certain types of WOD’s. Not to say you can’t have outliers of very fast or slower times for whatever reason; but a general average may help each of you understand how to scale, what we sub and why, and what load to use.

An easy example is Fran. Slogging through a 15 minute Fran is not the same workout as lightening the load and going hard and fast to be sub 10 minutes. Sub 7 minutes is even better. The effect on your body is significantly different than toughing out 95# thrusters and pull-ups one rep at a time. It’s not wrong to do it that way, but it’s a different workout. If we write an average goal time though it can help with those of you deciding how to attack it and what to expect.

Watch: “Scaling at CrossFit Verve” with Cherie Chan – video [wmv] [mov]

Steph demos how to Overhead Squat

(Note the straight bar path, knees out, weight on heels and safe shoulder position):

Steph OHS - 1 Steph OHS - 2 Steph OHS - 3

Steph OHS - 4 Steph OHS - 5 Steph OHS - 6


Stop the Slop Challenge:

It officially ends this Saturday (but we know everyone is going to keep cruising along with their nutrition lifestyle)! For those who cannot make it on Saturday for the WOD and weigh-in we will run Jackie on Friday during normal class and have weigh-in’s/pics.

Looking for cooking ideas? See Paleo Plan Recipes