Ready, set, row!

For Time:

1000m Row
21 Dumbbell Thrusters
21 AbMat Sit-ups
750m Row
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 AbMat Sit-ups
500m Row
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
9 AbMat Sit-ups

“It’s all downhill from here.  Okay not really. It’s a little more uphill but you’re almost done.” ~ Jim cheering on Jorge.

Rowing Bridget and Lucy 2 Rowing Jim and Amanda
Rowing Jorge Rowing Lyndi and Sherry

Here’s a good local news video on CrossFit and CrossFit LA. I like the T-Shirt at the end that says “If I don’t fear my workout it isn’t hard enough.”

Here’s progress. Travis told me today he’s down two waist sizes since he started CrossFitting two months ago!

Reminder that the gym is closed Friday. We will be at the CF Games spectating for time.