Restful Sunday

Have a restful Sunday.

Monday is a two-fer birthday WOD for Michelle and Cathy! “Newbies” scale # of rounds to two and load, “Standard” scale load on both movements, “Advanced” scale barbell load, “Smells Elite” category goes as RX’d. However you choose to go, go after it!

M and Moe sharing a laugh:

Sharing a Laugh

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday 1/25: Nutrition Discussion with CFHQ Trainer Todd Widman 

  • 1/25 at Imperial CrossFit: 5:30-7:30pm Cost $10
  • If you are in the “Stop the Slop” challenge so far use this to take the time and go learn and get re-energized!
  • Several of us in the box are planning to go to Imperial for this. Let us know if you are in. It’s worth it!

Saturday 2/5: The Sat WOD(s) will be a field trip to Cascade CrossFit for a WOD. Time will be from 9am until everyone is done. You can come later depending on your schedule. They will be hosting SnoValley CrossFit, Sculptor CrossFit, and us for a community building workout. We will program and run the workout in advance here in the box to allow you to get familiar with it. There will be no cost and all levels are encouraged to come and REPRESENT!

 Cool video from Jim C. with a message that applies to many sports and CrossFit: