"Shoot 'Em Dead"

Strength WOD:

5 Rounds of Dead Hang Pull-ups

* Rest 2 minutes between rounds; work up to max reps per attempt

Check Out WOD Immediately After:

As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes:
5 Deadlift (Use 60% of 1RM)
7 Shoot-Throughs (Parallette)
10 AbMat Sit-Ups 


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Deads and Shoot-Throughs

Time for a rematch with the shoot-through! What’s worse, these or burpees? Or how about a Burpee Shoot-Through? Hey we should try those! One of these days the WOD will be all burpee variants. Burpee Box Jump, Burpee Pull-up, Burpee Shoot-Through, Burpee Deadlift… the list is endless. I promise to NOT post it on the Whiteboard and let it be a nice little gift for each of you to unwrap when you come in the box.

Pat_Strict Pull-up Rona_Strict Pull-up

Want to get stronger at kipping pull-ups? Or maybe get closer to that first pull-up without a band? One way is to work on dead hang or strict pull-ups. WIth or without a band, keep that hip “quiet”. It will get you stronger. Other ways towards that elusive pull-up? Practice strict pull-ups in ladders, or mix in jumping pull-ups with the box height decreasing as they get easier so you jump higher. Or ring rows with a progression towards becoming more horizontal and face-up or “supine”. You can also take advantage of that climbing rope and lay on the floor flat. Grab that rope and pull yourself hand over hand into a standing position and then lower yourself back down. Practice your kipping motion regularly. Mix all this stuff in as skill work either before or after your WOD. Be patient. Be consistent. Believe. If you do then it WILL happen!


Last day for Fight Gone Bad make-up is tomorrow! We know of four people who plan to do it for sure. Don’t worry there will be a WOD for everyone else.

Tips on improving the the dip and the drive of the Push Jerk:


Jerk Dip and Drive from OlyAthlete on Vimeo.