Snatching Nancy

5 Rounds for time: 
400m Run
3 Power Snatch (95#/65#)
15 Overhead Squats (95#/65#)


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Sangeeta and a nice Overhead Squat:

Sangeeta OH Squat

This main site WOD is similar to Nancy but adds the three Power Snatches and then was supposed to move the run to last. Whoopsie, looks like you all ran first today by mistake. Consider it a treat, at least we didn’t add in burpees.

Mark B. demonstrating his awesome skills frequently as a demo boy at the CF Gymnastics Cert:

Demo Boy_2 Demo Boy_3

Today is a light post, I’m beat from the week and Day One today of the CF Gymnastics Certification with Jeff Tucker; who is an amazingly colorful and skilled coach. What do you expect from a guy from Texas who has a background that includes elite competitive gymnastics, law enforcement, EOD, firefighting, calf roping and rodeo, university level coaching, running the TCU Cheer-leading program, running a hugely successful CrossFit box and Gymnastics/Martial Arts athletic center and being the subject matter expert for CrossFit in Gymnastics? 

The day has been filled with incredible cues, tips, progressions, exercises and overall fun. When this is over expect to see a greater emphasis on a few things: better warm-ups, flexibility focus, drilling proper form vs. a fast time, and building strength to properly execute the movements we are aspiring to do as RX’d. For example, this means doing rings dips with the right range of motion (scaled or not). Or doing skill drills to enforce true push-ups, dead hang pull-ups and exercises to build core strength and the hollow position. You get strong first so you can go faster. Not the other way around. 

For those who did “The Bear Complex” watch this video of Rob Orlando performing it with 200#!

Rob Orlando does the Bear with 200 lbs [wmv] [mov]