Stadium Chipper

Day 5 WOD of our “Week of the Games” was the Affiliate Cup Stadium Workout. Check the link for video highlights from the CrossFit Games of this WOD. 

For Time:
30 Wallballs (20#/14#)
300m Row (or 200m Run)
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#) *53 lb. clarification for Gregg
30 Dumbbell Push Press (40#/25#)
30 Deadlift (225#/135#)


(Whiteboard asterisk: Curtis says was due to an advantage of having a “fan” in the heat)

As far as chipper’s go this was relatively quick (sub 20 minutes for everyone). It was not easy however. Great WOD that progressively got more challenging as it wore on. Thanks to Curtis for sticking around, making fun of my socks (Skins) and coaching his coaches through it! 

Meet at the gym tomorrow at 10AM for the Saturday WOD. It will be our final workout to close out the Week of the Games. Bring your running shoes and prepare for some friendly team competition.

Slideshow of the chipper: