"Stop the Slop" Performance Challenge

For Time:
400m Run
40 Squats
30 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
20 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 AbMat Sit-ups
40 Squats
400m Run


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Partner Up

Today was day 1 of our 30 day nutrition, performance and essay challenge and we brought back the mash-up WOD of “Baseline” and “Grace” that was used for our past two challenges. It looks like we have a pretty big group of Team Squatch participating. For those who are opting in to take any/or all three challenge(s) make sure you sign-up and bring your buy-in ($25 cash money) no later than Wednesday Jan. 9. We will revisit this WOD on Feb. 5th (make-up on Feb. 6th) to see who makes the most improvement. However you scaled this WOD to start the challenge is how you will repeat it.  This way we can measure % improved to determine a winner.

For those tackling the nutrition challenge/Whole30 make sure you get your weight recorded by Wed. On 2/5 we will do the final weigh-in to calculate the person with the most % of weight loss.

If you are buying-in to the Challenge and missed today you can make it up this week through Wednesday but you will have to re-test on 2/5. Prizes will be determined based on number of participants.

Stop Slop Performance WOD

For the next 30 days make them count. If you want to see positive results you have to have consistency. Consistency in your workouts and in your nutrition. No matter what challenge you enter remember you cannot work your way out of a poor diet. You will see better results by sticking with a clean and healthy nutrition plan every single day then you will by coming in here and getting your ass kicked 3-4 times a week.

If you do both then you will see positive changes at the end of 30 days and beyond. Changes in your appearance maybe, but definitely changes in how you feel, recover, and function. If you make it through the first 30 days by stopping the slop you will have reached a point where you will likely know what effects both processed, refined sugar and low carb crap has and what clean, natural foods have on your body. Then you will have an informed lifestyle choice to make. We encourage everyone to eat clean and have provided everyone resources to use. Dig out the Whole9 Nutrition Guides you got in OnRamp and read up on what you should and should not be eating. Give it a shot. What have you got to lose?

The other part of the challenge is to focus on technique. Make every effort every time you come in the gym to learn, practice and perfect your movement. If you do that the PR’s will come.  3-2-1 Go!

Watch: “Nearly three years ago, Marine veteran Nicholas Thom came to CrossFit Rubicon without his legs and without some of his fingers. Eager to become a member, he inquired about monthly rates.”