Tabata Time

Tabata Intervals: Perform 8 intervals of max reps for 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest of the following exercises in sequence. Score lowest number of reps for a given round. 

AbMat Sit-ups

Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)


Following the WOD:

Pick and skill and get on it!


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Quote of the day:

“Part of the beauty and much of the moral seriousness of sport derives from the severe justice of strenuous play in a circumscribed universe of rules that protect the integrity of competition. Records are worth recording, and worth striving to surpass, because they serve as benchmarks of excellence achieved under the pressure of competition.” – George F. Will

 Preview of Tomorrow:

FGB Box Jumps

FGB Wall Ball_Laura  Marc_One More Rep  FGB SDHP_Laura
FGB Push Press

Counting Calories FGB Style: 
Counting Calories FGB Style

Marc and Laura raised a couple hundred dollars for the cause and threw down tonight (due to a prior commitment tomorrow) and did Fight Gone Bad at the late class. Great effort and awesome results especially tackling this WOD RX’d for the first time!


Congrats to Anthony who finished Elements today! 

Reading this article depresses me about the so-called fitness “experts” influencing our military. Kinda like the nutrition “experts” telling us about the food pyramid. This article is so inaccurate and draws wild conclusions in so many areas.

Military Fitness Experts Tell Troops: You’re Too Flabby For CrossFit” by Katie Drummond, Wired Magazine