Take a Walk

4 Rounds for Time:
50m Walking Lunges 
50 AbMat Sit-ups


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AbMat Smiles:

AbMat Smiles

Tonight I went with Mark, Jeremy, Kim, Matt, and Rob to Imperial CF for a nutrition lecture with Todd Widman (of CrossFit HQ). It was the third time I have attended his lecture and each time I find myself learning more about Paleo, Zone, the importance that nutrition plays in your health and the effects of the crap that is continually pushed, sold, marketed and fed to our kids and loved ones.

Paleo 101: The 15 Rules of the Paleo Diet

Walking Lunge with Mollie:

Walking Lunge Mollie

  1. Take a deep step forward with your foot at a 10 to 15 degree angle from your body (not in a straight line in front of you)
  2. Front knee remains behind the toe in the lunge position
  3. Rear knee gently “kisses” the ground
  4. Airplane arms are optional!

Pull-up challenge:

Try this post WOD and let’s see who can get the most in the box. If you don’t have a pull-up for for max bar hang (total seconds) or max chin over bar hold (total seconds).

“Max 25lb Weighted Pull-ups” with Dave Castro, Dave LipsonMikko SaloJuha Kangasniemi and Christy Phillips – video [wmv] [mov]