Team Squatch

The trials are over and its time to announce the Affiliate Cup Team for the Regionals in May and stats for those who were able to complete tryouts this past week.  Without further ado, here are the results below.  

The 3 men and 3 women that will make up our team are Mark B., Pat and Jeremy D. and Michelle, Moe, and Kim D. 

These selections were based on the final rankings and scoring per the original announcement earlier. 

Points breakdown are as follows:

Team Squatch 2010 Results

I chose these WOD’s for specific reasons: 

1) Based on broad and inclusive fitness that cover the ten components of fitness as defined by CrossFit 

2) Needed to cover basic movements that at a minimum can be reasonably expected to be tested in a Regionals Team Competition

3) Needed to focus on the four main areas most CF Games Events have been including: strength (The Bear), met con (Christine), short duration basic skills (Baseline), and movements that are typically added to increase difficulty (The Advanced Skills Test). Rather than test 5-10 WOD’s which were logistically a nightmare I felt the advanced skills test and Baseline most covered the movements we should expect to encounter. 

4) Rather than pick one lift (press, deadlift, etc.) and work up to a max, it was more fair to pick a WOD like the Bear that you determine the load as well as be required to know and perform multiple barbell movements.  The more weight you can do is not only strength but reliant on efficiency of technique. Strength workouts like this are a much better test to me of what level of fitness and technique someone has over just pulling a bar off the floor 1 time.

5) The WOD’s are not overly difficult. They are basic and to compete as a team we should have the ability to navigate these types of WOD’s and/or skills based on what 4 are completing that workout. This allowed me to see where individually we are and what we need to train as a team for the next several weekends.  

My plan is in addition to competing individually at the NW Regionals I will serve as your Team Coach and do my best to help you all in between my events and the Team events. From strategy to rest to pep talks I’ll do my best to be out there with you all. Let’s represent SRCF together!

I hope this has been fun for everyone and continues to be so. I want everyone who participated to know you are all Team Squatch! All of you have trained hard, stayed consistent, and reached new PR’s and levels. Your coaches are stoked for everyone and amazed at how far some have come, how all have raised their game and pushed each other, and how this team has bonded.  

To everyone and anyone interested in competitions, remember we are a young box with many who are very new to CrossFit. Next years Games and competitions will be here faster than you think! There will be plenty of opportunity to train and improve your skills in the coming year so continue to stay sharp and know that next year we plan to field another team, as well as bring more to Sectionals or whatever the competition may be.
