The Hierarchy of Elite Fitness…

Rest day today!

Fitness Pyramid

Each element is dependent on the foundation beneath it. If the foundation is not solid then all of the levels above it suffer.



Olympic Weightlifting:

Mike_Power Snatch Sequence - 3


Graham MU

Strength and Conditioning:

McGhee_Pat and Jim C


Paleo Meal

Of course don’t forget to stretch and rest!


Speaking of foundations, remember that the foundation of most functional movements is the air squat (press and deadlift being the others). Build a better air squat and your foundation will get stronger for lifts (like the front and back squat, thruster, clean, overhead squat, snatch) and exercises (such as wall balls, lunges, med ball cleans, box jumps, kettlebell swings, pistols).

CrossFit Park City Air Squat Instruction video