Thursday Gone Bad

5 Rounds of max reps of each of the following exercises:

1 Minute of Wall Balls (20#/14# to a 10’/9′ Target)
1 Minute of Row for Calories
1 Minute of Over the Box Jumps (24″/20″) 
1 Minute Rest 

* In this workout you move from each of three stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises.

** This is a three-minute round of max reps per exercise from which a one-minute break is taken before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. 

*** Score total reps/calories and reps per round.


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Over the Box Jumps:

Over the Box Jumps

This morning we received an email that made my entire week. It was a heartfelt thanks from 1LT Mark Bonaudi of Task Force Mustang in Afghanistan for the coffee that Frank led the gym to donate to our troops. It really matters to those who are in harm’s way to see that they are missed and supported. Thank you all again for helping to make this show of support happen!

Here is the original email below and my reply. For those who may wonder when reading my reply to him to “keep your feet and knees together” it is an Airborne saying reminding you how to properly and safely execute a parachute landing fall (as opposed to “feet-ass-head”). It’s a way of saying be smart and be safe.

On Aug 22, 2012, Bonaudi, Mark R 1LT USA TF Mustangs 21st SIG XO wrote:


Thank you so much for facilitating the donation and collection of coffee
and goodies for our troops here in Afghanistan.  I realize that it was a
group effort, and between you all and Frank it came to fruition.

Today we received some boxes, and the other locations will begin to
receive them over the next few days.  There is nothing like getting mail
while deployed, there’s really nothing like getting good coffee while
deployed, and to top it off it is truly priceless knowing there is a
group of people out there supporting our service members while we are
away from home bringing the fight to the enemy.

So, thank you Snoridge Crossfit!  Your generosity, kindness and support
does not go unnoticed.


Executive Officer
21st Signal Company
Task Force Mustangs
Kandahar Airfield


On Aug 23, 2012, SnoRidge CrossFit wrote:

Hi Mark,
 THANK YOU for sending this mail and for all that you and the soldiers of TF Mustang are doing over there. This made my week. Frank did all the work, we only helped to get the word out. 

Supporting the troops is something that I feel very proud that our gym embraces and really turns out for. We have seen it for everything from Hero WOD’s, to Fight Gone Bad and 31Heroes fundraisers, and now this. Knowing it is for those who served with Frank is an even bigger plus. We hope you all enjoy the coffee and it brings you all a reminder of home when it’s brewing. If there is a need for more coffee or any other stuff don’t hesitate to ask.  When you get back you have to drop in again for another WOD.

Stay safe and keep your feet and knees together!
~ Tom”



Rich Froning leaves no doubt why he is the best competitive exerciser in the world. Coach Mike Burgener leaves no doubt why he is the best Oly coach in the world. Watch:

Snatch and clean and jerk throwdown from the CrossFit Tour Big Sky Event. Rich Froning’s 290kg total would qualify him for the 2013 USAW National Championships in the 94kg weight class had these lifts been at a sanctioned event. – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]