What's CrossFit?

10 Rounds for Time: 
3 Deadlifts (275#/185#)
6 Clapping Push-ups
9 Toes-to-Bar


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Hang or Clap

Ever have trouble answering that question? I have been doing it for years and own a box and it still trips me up every time. Some days it’s easy to explain and I can’t shut up about it. Other days it’s like explaining to my daughter why sugar is evil and she can’t have dessert every night or watch Hannah Montana every hour. Painful. 

This article from a local news site in Houston does a great job of laying out CrossFit. Too bad it doesn’t make it any easier. 

Read: “How CrossFit changed my life: This humbling, hunk-making system is no cult, no P90X

If you are an Endurance nut or Tri freak then check out Competitor magazine that recently ran an article on CF Endurance coach Brian McKenzie and the CrossFit Endurance program. It also lays out a 6 week CF Endurance plan.


Brian MacKenzieCompetitor Magazine