1000 Things To Do Before You Die

WOD #1:

For Time:

1000m Row
Workout starts with 7 thrusters. Every minute on the minute (EMOM) complete 7 thrusters (95#/65#)

* At the top of each minute you must complete 7 thrusters and then row for max meters in the remaining time; continue until you complete 1000m
** If you cannot complete the thrusters in a given minute then you may take a “penalty” minute by resting and accumulating more time; scale accordingly to avoid penalties

Rest 6 minutes, then complete:

WOD #2:

As Many Rounds As Possible in 6 Minutes of:

5 Hand Release Push-ups
10 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
15 AbMat Sit-ups


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Goal: Complete 1000 meters on the rower before the thrusters kill you.

Thrusters Suck

When I found and programmed WOD #1 it reminded me of the “Air Force WOD“. After completing it today I would say it might be harder. The coaching today was on scaling properly; you had to choose a weight you could maintain 7 unbroken thrusters. Scale wrong and this would quickly be a nightmare. Dropping the bar wasted seconds you could not afford to miss when you needed every single pull on the rower. After a few minutes this WOD became a mental battle to not drop the bar or slow down to catch your breath before you ran out of time to row. This race against the clock and your mind defined this workout. It’s what I loved about it. After a brief rest, WOD #2 was designed to force max rounds with skills in which you should have been able to continue moving through for 6 full minutes.

Video: The Regionals Are Coming: CrossFit Games 

Today our friends from Bellevue Square lululemon dropped in for a WOD (they did yesterday’s workout). They rode here in style in their team van. I gotta get a SRCF van. Then we could drive around kidnapping people “Old School” style to come to CrossFit.

Team lulu looking good:

Team lulu

Lulu van

Attention 0830 Class! You all FAILED. What’s wrong this picture?

0830 class fail