CrossFit Games Open 15.3 & CrossFit Games Open 15.3 – Scaled

Peter MU_by Rob WCrossFit Games Open 15.3

Workout 15.3
RX’d and Teens 16-17:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
7 muscle-ups
50 wall-ball shots (20#/14#) to 10 ft. / 9 ft.
100 double-unders
Enter in your time break time for last round completed (100 DU’s).

Genevieve_by Rob WCrossFit Games Open 15.3 – Scaled

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
50 wall-ball shots (20#/10#) both to 9 ft.
200 Single-unders


Photos by Rob W.

So many PR’s! Friday Night Lights exceeded our expectations with many achieving Muscle-Up PR’s whether it was their first, or their first time stringing them or getting them in a WOD. Seeing the women get on the rings and get through muscle-ups is also a big PR for the gym in the Open.

If you are motivated to get a muscle-up then you must practice strict pull-ups, strict ring dips, strict chest-to-bar pull-ups, muscle-up progressions, kip-ups from the floor AND do a ton of false grip work (hangs, pull-ups, transitions). You cannot “will” yourself to get a muscle-up if you do not have the raw strength, skill, and coordination first. You MUST practice. A lot. You have to be diligent to work on all of the pieces, and be patient. If you try to skip any of the pieces you risk injury. Do not just jump on the rings and start flailing around. Even though we program MU progressions/practice every month, you don’t need to wait to work on the requisite skills. Put in the homework. 3-2-1 Go!
Post rounds and reps completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games Open.
For complete workout standards, video and scorecard click here.
Results 15.3 RX and Scaled
Results cont