
2 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

Post “Baseline” Optional Strength:

5/5/5 Shoulder Press


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 “The Zohan” AKA Mark B. AKA Speed Racer vs. Racer X AKA Rob:

Speed Racer and Racer X

Time to update the Leader Board! Today was not only a day of PR’s across the board (as everyone improved in either time, level of scaling, or both) it was a day to set a new “Baseline”. What better way after wrapping up the Paleo/Zone Nutrition Challenge than to kick it off with a re-test of the first WOD everyone does when they complete Elements. The last time we did this as a gym was back in November. We will do this periodically to serve as a great gauge of fitness level and to compare and track against our previous performance. While the majority will run, a few do a 500m row each round because that is what they did the first time they started. This WOD looks easy, however when done for time it is an eye-opener. Or a potentially even a bucket filler. 

Jeremy lending Travis a helping bucket:

Lending a Helping Bucket

The morning class featured a battle worthy of Ali vs. Foreman or at least Speed Racer vs. Racer X. Mark B. and Rob ran, squatted, pushed and pulled their way to the end where every second counted. They crushed the time on this and set a whole new standard for the box and themselves as the first two to get this in sub 7 minutes. I was lucky to get the opportunity to work out with the late class and take on the challenge of chasing their times. Literally.

Chasing the leaders


Great googly-moogly!  Congrats to Jim C. for his 100th WOD, and also to Adriana and Deb who reached their 1 year anniversary since they started as Michelle’s first garage clients. Congrats also to Jana who did Baseline as Rx’d only a week after getting her first pull-up! 

Go watch: “Why Do I CrossFit?” with Ben Lunak; a CrossFit Journal Preview [wmv] [mov]

Then practice stringing those double-unders together…