Birthday Bunch

5 rounds for time:

200m Row
12 Medicine Ball Cleans (20#/14#)
7 Handstand Push-ups
200m Run


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Happy Birthday to Nadia, Dustin and Matt!

Birthday WOD

Birthday Trio

Amy N. made an awesome montage video of a ton of SRCF pics. Check it out here.

Birthday WOD today was a combo for three people. Rather than come up with some sort of rep scheme that combined dates and ages, I opted to choose a WOD that had movements that challenged everyone and still provided enough “suck” factor. Happy birthday you guys!


Saturday CF Kids Class: We will begin at 10am this week only due to the SR Early Learning Center Art Show that will impact half the kids and parents (and coaches). For those parents who are taking their kids to the Art Show you will be able to hit the WOD at 10am after the first wave that starts at the normal 9:30am finishes.

WOD on Saturday is the CrossFit Games Open 11.6 Workout

CF Games Open Competitors will still go at 11am with judging and we will run waves of 3-4 at a time.

After the Open WOD will be a casual bring your own food/beer/drink BBQ for anyone interested!

Last but not least if you are interested in the Throwdown at CF Marysville on Sat. May 7th then check out the event info on the right. So far we have a few interested in going and throwing down: Pat, Rob, Lucy, and Lindsay have mentioned interest. We will still plan to run CF Kids and also class at 0930 that morning, but will likely head up after to provide judges and cheerleaders. Who else is in?

Birds Eye View:

Birds Eye