Birthday WOD by Request

For Time:

1000m Row
40 Weighted Sit-ups (Overhead)
80 AbMat Sit-ups 
120 Double-Unders


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Happy birthday to Tricia! (Not pictured due to Coach Fail)

Today we ran a birthday WOD by request. Rather than try to get cute with numbers (date or age) I just went with what she liked, what would be challenging and what fit for the week of programming. If you want a birthday WOD you can request one and I will figure out how to work it into the schedule. Sometimes I may combine it, others may have to wait, but I’ll do my best. It can also be a benchmark or known WOD that you love.

OH Situp


“Hope” is tomorrow. Most of the coaches ran through it tonight. Great workout, tough and similar to Fight Gone Bad. At least that’s my sales pitch. Donate and do it for the kids. 

CrossFit For Hope workout is Saturday! If you missed signing up for a wave then show up after 1045 and we will try to work you in. Our friends from CrossFit Devotion and Imperial CrossFit will also be joining us tomorrow.

CF for Hope_Ashley