Break It Up

For Time:
50 Deadlift (245#/165#) 
50 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)

* Partition the reps however you want and go for time


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Early Class

Who liked the idea of breaking up your own rep scheme today into whatever you thought was fastest? Getting to practice your own “strategery” for a WOD is fun and a good way to do your own WOD programming. Putting the reps into a set of numbers that allows you to continually move instead of standing and resting takes some skill to approach a workout that maximizes your strengths and minimizes your weaknesses.

Today we also had a few Ft. Lewis CrossFitters pay us a visit. Welcome to Frank, Zach and Mark who all dropped-in and worked hard with the AM class. They do CrossFit for physical training with their Stryker Company daily. After the WOD they stuck around and worked on a couple things and Mark almost got his 1st muscle-up. Stick with it and you will have it in no time! Thanks guys for dropping in and more importantly thanks for what you do for all of us.

Deadlifts_Zach Burpee Box Jumps_Mark

Welcome to Teri, Pam, Rhonda, Colleen, Angie, Tricia, Donna, Krista, Jim, Brett, Jay, Sara, Debra, Shelley and Jennifer who are all new this month and recently completed or are almost complete with Elements! I hope I didn’t miss anyone! Remember to introduce yourself to the new faces or it’s a 15 burpee penalty.


Quick Highlights of the Australia Regional: Day 1 – video [wmv] [mov]

Read: 174,203 Things You Can Do Instead of Watching TV – Whole9 

Now go turn off the TV and get busy!

Brad and Jenn enjoy a Paleo steak dinner on vacation. Now that’s a steak! (In Crocodile Dundee voice):

Paleo Steak Dinner