"Death By Burpee"

With a continuously running clock perform 1 burpee the first minute, 2 burpees the second minute, 3 burpees the third minute, and so on, continuing to add 1 each minute until you cannot complete the required number of reps in the given minute.

Score total rounds and reps in the last round completed.

Don going airborne. Now that’s the way to finish the burpee!

Don Burpee


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Quote of the Day: “I finally figured out how to go down properly…wait that sounds bad!” ~ Rona

Yay burpees! Cristin asked me yesterday if we had a specific day every week that we programmed in burpees so she could avoid that day. Knowing today was “death by burpee” I could not lie. So I told her the truth, “NO there is not a SPECIFIC day. We mix it up. I’ll see you tomorrow!” I think she was not very happy when she came in today. She did however survive!

Proud parent moment. Ashley tonight did the WOD with the late crew. Staying to the back of the box, we matched burpee for burpee as each minute passed and I did the counting. Surprising me and maybe herself, she got into the 11th minute! And they were pretty darn good burpees all with a good jump and clap! To top it off after writing her name and result on the whiteboard she went and wrote my result up there. 

Ash_Death by Burpee  Ash_Death by Burpee 2


Reminder that Thursday all PM classes are cancelled this week 8/26. We will be performing in the lululemon 5 Fitness Fashion function in Bellevue. Details on the right hand side.

CrossFit Basic is also joining us for Fight Gone Bad V on September 18th. That’s four boxes total including us! (CrossFit Belltown, CrossFit Redmond, CrossFit Basic)

Spirit of the Games: Pt 2” with Chris Spealler: CrossFit Journal [wmv] [mov]



3 Rounds for time:

10 Ground to Overhead (95#/65#)
200 yard Shuttle Sprint (Tag up each sprint using 50 yds. down and back twice)


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Our latest sprint coaching technique: “Release the hounds!”

SQT_Jim and Meeno

WOD demo with Chris Spealler [wmv] [mov]

Have you been asked “Can you really get a workout in under 5 minutes?” If you have done “Fran” or “SQT” that answer is absolutely yes! Anyone doubting how you can really do a CrossFit WOD in that short of time and feel gassed is a great candidate to try this one. Just invite them over, tell them to lift something heavy (and safely) as fast as they can from ground to overhead 10 times, then do some shuttle sprints for a total of 3 rounds. I bet they never doubt you again.

Want to lose weight, burn fat, get ripped, gain muscle, build endurance, and get faster? All of the above? Do sprints! Sprinting is both aerobic and anaerobic and chock full of benefits:

Sprinting: An Effective and Efficient Way to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

Fast Fitness 30 Second Sprint Workouts Build Fitness Fast

Burn Fat By Sprinting

Why Sprinting Builds Endurance


Congrats to Cristin and Angie for completing Elements tonight! Get into class and build on what you’ve learned!

Eric, Angie and Cristin rocking an Elements WOD:


Rest Up

Hope you are rested and ready for this week!

WB Rest

Read a great interview with Chris Spealler, one of the top CrossFitters out there and just an amazing athlete. A veteran of all 4 years of the CF Games as well as a top 10 finisher in three of them (including 3rd this year); he was also the recipient of the “Spirit of the Games Award” for embodying the character of CrossFit. He is pretty legendary within CrossFit and has set a great example for many as not only a competitor, but also as a coach, HQ trainer and affiliate owner.

Spirit of the Games: Pt. 1” CrossFit Journal Preview video [wmv] [mov]



If you plan to participate in Fight Gone Bad V on 9/18 at the box, then you need to create a fundraiser page (link on the right under “Upcoming Events”) and raise some money for some great causes. My friend Derek from CrossFit Morristown (who just visited and many of you met) has been pushing people in his box to raise funds and they are now at almost $11k raised! What about us? Well, SnoRidge has $1300 raised. Ummm, it’s GO time people!


5 Rounds for time:

6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95#/65#)
6 Burpees
6 Front Squat (95#/65#)
6 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
6 Hang Power Snatch (95#/65#)


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Tara tackles Hang Snatches while Scott swings the Kettlebell:

Tara_Hang PS Scott_KB Swing

Bionic is a unique WOD. Moving from a wide stance and narrow grip to neutral stance and grip to narrow stance and wide grip each round can cause a little confusion from movement to movement. It is also typically limited by the amount of weight that you can Hang Power Snatch.  Put on too much weight and that becomes a hang muscle snatch or even worse a hang power “anyway overhead” lift. Dialing it back to ensure a load that allows you to do it correctly is the way to go and also will force you to move faster and generate greater power.

Spirit of the Games Pt. 1” with Chris Spealler, CrossFit Journal preview [wmv] [mov]


This Saturday is the Railroad Days 5k/10k race. We have at least 6 runners I know of that are running it with me (Marc, Laura, Lucy, Moe, Sangeeta, Jim M.). There are also a couple kids doing the 1k too. Anyone else in? There will be one class at 10am with Mark as well.

FGBV Poster

Attention! Fight Gone Bad V: We are hosting FGB V on 9/18 (Saturday) with CrossFit Belltown, The Compound, CrossFit Redmond, and the Chamber! The plan is to start at 10am.There will be waves and sign up times as we get closer. If you are planning to participate the rules state you must register, create a fundraising page and raise donations. Please consider this and help raise money for some valuable causes (Livestrong, The Wounded Warrior Project among them). For details on registration go to the FGB V site and click on the register link. When and if you register, pick our box as your “team”.

If you are thinking it’s too much to ask someone to donate, consider that one latte for $5 is more than enough to ask for. Or a happy meal. I would think most people understand that donating a few dollars for cancer research or for a veteran who is permanently disabled for defending our freedoms is worth forgoing a coffee or two.

Over Easy?

Strength WOD:

Overhead Squat


Checkout WOD immediately after from the 2010 NW Regionals:

3 Rounds for Time: 

10 Overhead Squat (135#/95#)
50 Double-Unders


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Steven thankful the WOD is over:

Steven Post WOD

Steven and Rob demo the movements:

Steven OH Squat Rob_DU

The checkout today was the first WOD of this year’s Northwest Regionals for the CrossFit Games. A very effective couplet, this one punishes the arms, legs and taxes the lungs. The faster you are able to move the harder it is to control the breathing to control 135 or 95 lbs. overhead. While there were several amazing performances on this WOD at Regionals, nothing was more amazing to watch than Speal doing this in under 3 minutes. He weighs 135 lbs. himself. Do the math, that’s 30 BODYWEIGHT overhead squats with 150 double-unders in less than 3 minutes. It must be seen to be believed!

Chris Spealler Top Time (2:39) in WOD 1 of NW Regional [wmv] [mov


See you all tomorrow at 10am; except for those resting for the Danskin Tri on Sunday. You ladies sleep in, eat a nice Paleo breakfast, and get your game faces on. Oh and don’t forget the cans of spray “Pam” for Rob to lube everyone up for their wetsuits!

"Dirty Thirty"

For Time:

30 Box jumps (24″/20″)

30 Jumping Pull-ups

30 KB Swings (53#/35#)

30 Walking Lunges

30 Knees to Elbows

30 Push Press (45#/33#)

30 Back Extensions (or Good Mornings 45#/33#)

30 Wallball (20#/14#)

30 Burpees

30 Double-Unders


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Dirty Thirty Crew:

Push Press_Willy

Dirty Thirty_Don and Mark Gloria_Jumping PU

Sorry to the 7pm class for forgetting to write the scaling/RX movements on the whiteboard. I trust that you all wrote it in your WOD books.

SnoRage dropped in to The Compound tonight for the Dirty Thirty with Travis, Jeremy, and Kim. Good times! Check out their post here.


Feeling like an Iron Chef? Or maybe a Paleo Chef? Check out this recipe. If you make it then let us know what you think!

  • Poached Eggs, Prosciutto, Asparagus and Kholrabi Rosti – by Martha Burton video [wmv] [mov
  • Recipe [pdf]

Watch the final Masters event of the 2010 CF Games competition:

Masters Men [wmv] [mov]

Masters Women [wmv] [mov]

Row, Run, Jump

For Time:

1000m Row
1 Mile Run

50 Double-Unders


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Jana, Lucy and Pat row, run and jump:

Row Run Jump

First off I want to point out that yesterday Tara got her first callous tear on her hand after completing 35 RX pull-ups during the WOD! Great accomplishment on the pull-ups and keep working towards ditching the band!

Keep the inputs on the schedule options coming! See yesterday’s post and please post to comments. We are gonna tally these and look at what to implement ASAP. Early consensus is to leave the 6am as is for now and add a 7:30am and 6pm class 1-2 times a week. The move to a 9am class will be for sure once our daughter starts school in a month.

Tomorrow’s “go time” is 10am. It will be a team WOD so prepare to pair up and get work done! After the WOD for those interested I will give some POSE running instruction, run some drills and then have you all practice. 


The Inaugural CrossFit/USAW Open is this October 1st-3rd in Colorado Springs. This is the first competition event between CrossFit and USA Weightlifting and will feature a sanctioned weightlifting meet of 1RM Snatch, 1RM Clean and Jerk and a CF Triplet that is an AMRAP of squat cleans, pull-ups and double-unders. Competitors will be scored on total load (kg’s) plus reps in the triplet. Many CF’ers are signing up and a few of the top CF’ers from the Games are expected to compete. 

SnoRidge will be represented very well by our very own Sean! I’ll be helping him train and accompanying him to the Cheyenne Mountain Resort to help cheer and watch him display awesomeness on a regular basis. Wish him luck and be sure to remind him to practice his jerks and snatches daily.

Ever done the benchmark WOD “Isabel”? 30 reps for time of power or full (squat) snatch. Most choose power. Load is 135 lbs. for men and 95 lbs. for women. How long would that take you? For most it’s easily a few minutes if not upwards of ten or more. How about 56 seconds?

Dave Lipson “Isabel” [wmv] [mov]

A Look Ahead…

Make every second and every rep count:

Froning racing to finish

Mikko and Chan race through OH Squats:

Chan and Mikko

Here’s a preview of what to expect this week: A couplet with a bonus checkout after the WOD for those who are willing, an AMRAP with some strict gymnastics exercises, a strength WOD that focuses on power, the return of shoot-through’s, carrying stuff overhead, a Hero WOD that none of us have done, a way to make wall balls harder, a team workout, and maybe even a buddy carry! That’s all you’re gonna get so don’t ask!


Mark your calendars and get signed up. We have several events coming and want to get an idea for who is in! Check out the events listed on the right. First up is the Danskin Tri (not listed) on August 15th that many of you ladies are training for. One week later is the Railroad Days Race (5k/10k and kids 1k). After that we will be prepping for Fight Gone Bad V in September (9/18). We also are hoping to organize a rowing outing on the water with Lucy in Seattle as well as potentially a CF Kids trial run. So stop slackin’ and get crack-a-lackin’!

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

4 Rounds for Time: 

500m Row
400m Run


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Ready Line:

Rowers Ready

CrossFit Crashes the C.R.A.S.H. B.s This is from February but applicable as we rowed a bit today (Pat is required to read this). The Crash B’s are the World Indoor Rowing Championships and two of the Top CF’ers from the 2009 Games accepted the invitation to go and compete against the world’s best rowers to see how they would fare. They certainly fared very well. Next year’s Crash B’s are in February and in Boston. Seeing how we have a certain beast in the 40-49 year old age bracket who likes to row 10k’s as a hobby, and that we have a former rower or two at the ready to coach; I am thinking we need to get someone (cough, cough… Pat) signed up to compete next year! 

Joe and company pulling hard while Moe coaches:

Row Hard

Two CrossFit Journal reads:

Read Fittest On Earth for a recap and interviews with the men’s and women’s individual winners.

Read Sights of the Games for a short collection of moments and background info on many of the athletes.


Reminder! Class is 10am tomorrow. Waves will be run if it’s crowded and we will pair up to have a counter for each of you.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes….

Knees and toes!

From the 2010 CrossFit Games WOD Event 6b

Toes to bar Games

3 Rounds for Time:

30 Toes-to-Bar
21 Ground to Overhead (95#/65#)


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 Exchange of the day: Between Amanda and me during the toes-to-bar instruction: 

Amanda: “Wait, I have a question.” Me “Shoot”. Amanda: “Is that really a squatch on your shirt riding a unicorn?” Me: “No he’s killing a unicorn.”

Jorge and the toes-to-bar (or ankles to bar!):

Toes-to-bar_Jorge - 1 Toes-to-bar_Jorge - 2
Toes-to-bar_Jorge - 3 Toes-to-bar_Jorge - 4

What do you eat for breakfast? Read “Breakfast of Champions

The 2010 CrossFit Games CrossFit Journal commercial [wmv] [mov]


Saturday class schedule change alert: One formal time at 1000; waves if needed. There will be no 11am slot! This is for the next couple weeks due to everyone’s summer plans and light attendance at 11am.

Upcoming events: Look on the right side of the site and check out the many events this summer to sign up for with your fellow Squatches!