Rest Strategy

Amanda resting on the bar while Cat rests by the box:

Rest Near the Equipment

How do you rest during a WOD? Do you wander around taking a liberal amount of time when you drop the bar or set the weight down? Do you go get water, or step outside? Do you sit on a box? Do you move so far away from your equpiment, that it’s a good 10 seconds before you even come back to it? The desire to stop grows with each passing second of every WOD. The voice in your head growing louder to tell you to quit, finish or slow down. It is part of the challenge in CrossFit. We get intense but back off sometimes when it’s too much. It’s the intensity that drives the response, the adaptation, the improved fitness; but it’s also the intensity that drives that “suck factor” to a whole new level.

There is a strategy in how you effectively rest in a WOD. Active rest such as slowing your pace on a row or air squat can mean not stopping or gassing yourself later. Staying on the equipment, such as holding the bar in the rack or the hang, or maybe racking it on your back can save seconds and even take less effort than to drop the bar. Consider that every time you drop a heavy bar from the rack position that’s one more clean to get it going again. Other methods like resting on a top of a box jump help as it can allow you to jump off and hit the ground and instantly rebound into a new string of jumps. Stopping just short of failure on a movement can actually lead to a better performance. Have you ever failed a pull-up or handstand push-up and spent more time “waiting” to get your strength back instead of stopping one rep short, giving it a quick rest and going again? Staying close to your equipment is by far the easiest one to do. Force yourself to keep your hands on the bar, or stand over it. Give yourself a short count and pick…it…up. Don’t wait, just go.

There are many types of strategies, but the thing to consider is simply having one. It can mean the difference in a PR but most importantly it will yield a greater intensity and power output which = more progress and results. Now with all that said, if you are needing to rest or drop the bar and it’s at risk of injury, then DROP the bar and rest! 

Congrats to Moe on getting a couple ring dips yesterday:

Moe Ring Dip

Sectionals update:

We are going to kick off training for those who are interested in competing in this year’s Sectionals after Turkey Day weekend. We have 12 of us who are in from SnoRidge: Lucy, Rona, Moe, Michelle, Rob, Don, Mark B., Jeremy D., Pat, Jeremy O., Sean and I. If you are a reasonably experienced CrossFitter and you are interested, then please get with Michelle, Moe or myself ASAP. 

Saturday we spent some time talking about competing in CrossFit, with some insights and observations from those of us who have done it, either via competition or judging. It was a great discussion on the topics of what to expect, how we will train, skills assessments, nutrition, competition strategy and preparation, lessons learned, and more. We just scratched the surface but it was a great talk that allowed us all to begin thinking more about what lies ahead. The biggest emphasis though was on remembering to have fun. Sure everyone always wants to do well, but having fun should be a priority. Right now the details and dates and format are all unknown. We don’t even know that there will be a Sectionals for us to sign up for, but we are preparing based on what occurred last year. 

What that means is we will have a time slot or two set aside for those athletes to prepare them for Sectionals. These will be outside of the normal class schedule. It will be specifically for the purpose of allowing for skill development, strength development and better conditioning on advanced WOD’s and movements. It’s going to be hard training as well as intense training. It will also be one hell of a ride.

If you aren’t interested in competing but would like to know more about volunteering to help or possibly judge, then let us know too. There are always lots of people needed to help pull off these events and it’s a great way for us as a box to show our support to the greater CrossFit community. Last year we had several people volunteer for Sectionals and we would love to see it again!

Rob wrote a blog post on this very topic, check it out: “Sectionals Philosophy” on CrossFit Dad’s Blog

Make-Up Day

Today was make-up day for our “Test Week”:

“Grace” (Sat.) 

CrossFit Total (Mon./Tue.)

5k Row (Mon./Tue.)

“Cindy” (Wed.)

For those who came in and had completed all of these you had the option to complete “Baseline”


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Make-Up Day: 5k Row, CFT, Cindy, Baseline and some Wendler Deads at the same time:

Make-Up Day

Test week is concluded! We will now return to our regularly scheduled WOD-ding.

Hope you all liked it. Tell us what you thought of this week. Positive or negative. We would like to run it again in a few months to see progress and PR’s. These WOD’s collectively provide a good all-around gauge of fitness across several domains and metabolic pathways.

This past week some of the top CrossFitters who are sponsored by Rogue and Again Faster met in a team head to head competition in Lake Tahoe. The videos are slowly coming out of the overall competition but this short one showcased a challenge that was 2 minutes of max rep double-unders. Dave Castro set the bar that Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, Mikko Salo, and Graham Holmberg all tried to beat. The top score was 200 reps by Holmberg.

CrossFit’s Elite vs. Double-Unders [wmv] [mov]

Today several of us tried it. There were pretty good numbers for all but Sean slayed it. Just crushed it. He completed 216 reps in 2 minutes. I should make him do it again on video.

Coaching Tip: “Having Fun In the Box”

There are many ways to have fun. Try this method.

  1. Grab a partner
  2. Have them stand directly behind you
  3. Dance like clowns and laugh
  4. Ensure that it looks like you have four arms
  5. Take pictures and post to web so others can make fun of you

Groovetastic - 1 Groovetastic - 2 Groovetastic - 3 Groovetastic - 4


Welcome and congrats to Nicole, Andrea, and Nicholas who all completed Elements; as well as Dustin, a CrossFitter with previous experience who joined us yesterday. We look forward to you hitting class, making progress, meeting the gang and having fun.

Pineapple Classic on 11/13 Saturday at 9am! First team is formed: Me, Sean, Mark B. and Jeremy D. Get your team! (Teams of 2 or 4 are allowed)

Thought provoking article to read:

In the 10th Year of War, a Harder Army, a More Distant America” by David Wood

Total and 5k Row…Part Deux

CrossFit Total:

Back Squat 1RM 
Press 1RM
Deadlift 1RM


5k Row for time


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This?                         or                         That?

CFT_Spectators 5k Row

Tomorrow will continue our test week with a classic CrossFit benchmark WOD. Get your rest and get ready! If you missed any of the test WOD’s you will be able to make them up on Thursday.

Heidi_CFT Press

Kamran DL Kamran DL-2


Dave Lipson, Jason Khalipa and Dave Castro complete the CrossFit Total. Video [wmv] [mov]

How’s this for a throwdown? Some of CrossFit’s elite athletes meet in Lake Tahoe this weekend for a head to head battle of individual and team WOD’s: Team Rogue vs. Team Again Faster

Again Faster vs. Rogue at Tahoe – Preview [wmv] [mov]

The Triplet

As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 Minutes:
6 Squat Clean (55kg/30kg)
12 Pull-ups
24 Double-Unders


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 Dodging Doubles:

Dodging Doubles

Justin and Sean bow down to Whitney:

Justin Gassed Whitney Cleans Sean Gassed

Today was “The Triplet” from the CrossFit/USAW Open this past weekend. How surprised were all of you by the number of rounds you got for this WOD? Brutal combo, that’s for sure, and we are only at 1000′ of elevation!

Bring your running shoes and your best Carl Lewis impersonation tomorrow! It will be nice weather so the WOD will take advantage of it.


Amazing Grace Fundraiser: 10/16 at King CrossFit (in Renton) from 8:30am to 12pm. There will be no Saturday AM WOD at SnoRidge that day as we are all invited to King CF for the “Barbells for Boobs” event to help fight breast cancer. Click the link on the right side of the page, register as an individual and select SnoRidge CF as your affiliate.

Fun For A Cure Fundraiser:

Ctf invite

Lucy is organizing a great fundraiser for the Children’s Tumor Foundation in Issaquah on Nov. 6th at 7pm. This is a personal cause for her and certainly a very worthy one to support. Here’s some info from Lucy below:

“It’ll be a fun night of music, chocolate and wine with live and silent auction and tickets are $40 each.

It’s inspired by my friend’s son, Hayden, he is also Finns best pal and he is currently battling with three brain tumors. (He was featured on komo4 this weekend)

Attached is an invite (all are welcome), there are going to be some amazing auction items ie Ferrari day out, trips to Maui and NY, Balloon rides, weekend getaways and lots more….. plus of course a month of free CF at Snoridge!”


“Isabel-Off” with Josh Everett and Dave Lipson at the CrossFit USAW Weightlifting Open video [wmv] [mov]

A recap of the USAW/CrossFit Open and the impacts for both sports: “New Friends” from the CrossFit Journal


CrossFit/USAW Open. It's in the books!

Sean Triplet

The CF/USAW Open event held this past weekend in Colorado Springs, CO consisted of the following:

Snatch 1 rep

Clean and Jerk 1 rep

“The Triplet” 10 Minutes Immediately After:

As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible in 10 Minutes:
6 Squat Cleans (55kg/30kg)
12 Pull-ups
24 Double-Unders

Combine the best of each lift and total of Triplet reps for a Total Score.


Sean completing the Total and the Triplet at the CrossFit / USAW Open in Colorado Springs:

Sean C and J

Sean_Snatch Sean_Triplet

It’s in the books! Sean went and competed in the 85kg Men’s class and turned in a performance of heart and determination that should make all of us at SnoRidge proud! He posted a total of 179kg in the two lifts and 180 reps in the Triplet for an Event Total score of 359, placing 23rd in his division (out of 27). He is officially a badass in my book for having the Cajones to step in front of a crowd and face the stresses of performance, competition, work capacity, and altitude. Congratulations on an incredible job and for persevering under tough circumstances. Scoring a total including a bodyweight snatch is damn impressive.

The event was spread out by weight class over three days. The field consisted of 165 competitors (61 Women and 104 Men). However this field of competitors contained beasts of all sizes. Men and Women’s divisions included previous CrossFit Games competitors, past Games champions, and top regional performers. Olympians, medalists, USAW National Team members and Olympic lifters of both experience or reputation. Some names were truly big ones for their respective communities. It was also made up of CrossFitters and Oly athletes who were brand new to either competition or the opposite of their chosen sport. All of these athletes put on the first combined USA Weightlifting and CrossFit event of its kind. It was extremely well run and organized overall and the location was well suited for both athletes and spectators. Besides the soul sucking effects of high altitude there were no major complaints.

I was honored to be Sean’s coach for this event and it made me reflect at several points throughout the weekend about my role and what Sean was preparing for. Knowing his capabilities and previous PR’s and lifts, as his coach it was going to be a tough task to balance the desire to make a PR lift with the prospect of staying a little lighter so that the initial lift could go up on the board successfully. Keeping him loose, prepped, positive, and confident in what he was going to do was really fun for me. For anyone who has been part of an individual athletic competition, it is far different from team sports. In team sports you can always rely on the performance of the team. Sure you will be on the spot at times in the game, but the pressure of competition and judging is shared. In an event like this, you are exposed for all to watch. In front of your friends, family, loved ones, fellow athletes, and strangers you are in the spotlight. Alone, you must make the lift or face failure. What you do is solely resting on your shoulders; literally in the case of an Olympic lifting competition. 

Pushing through a WOD like the Triplet is the same thing. Like any CrossFit competition, you have to go beyond comfortable and stay there; pushing through a constant state of pain, anxiety, fatigue. You must do it in front of people, as well as with a judge who is there to score your reps and take some away. This is hard to do. You aren’t in the safety of your box, counting your own reps. There is an audience, the set up is unfamiliar and the other athletes are surely as good if not better. They all want to beat you and beat each other. The intensity takes on a higher level and the prospect of finishing low or last pushes everyone to better results.

Factor all of the above in and what Sean did this weekend can be summed up in one over-used but perfect word: EPIC. 

Well done Sean, keep doing epic shit!


Two new events coming in October and November:

Video I shot of Olympian Chad Vaughn with a 141kg Snatch at the USAW/CF Open: 


Birthday WOD

For Time:

37 Hang Squat Clean (95#/65#)
28 Double-Unders
9 Overhead Squats (125#/85#)
28 Double-Unders
9 Muscle-Ups
28 Double-Unders
9 Overhead Squats (125#/85#)
28 Double-Unders
37 Thrusters (95#/65#)

* Men load a 45# bar with 25# bumpers for cleans, then load/unload 15# bumpers for OH Squats

** Women load a 33# bar with 15# bumpers for cleans, then load/unload 10# bumpers for OH Squats

*** Scaling: Sub 28 Ring Dips for Muscle-ups


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Thanks Mark and Jeremy for programming this birthday WOD for me this week. It was so good I had to share!

Birthday Wod - 3 Birthday Wod - 4 Birthday Wod - 5

The CrossFit/USAW Open is here and Sean lifts tomorrow. He is ready to rock and roll.


Watch it LIVE

Chris Spealler on his way to qualifying for the USAW Nationals and taking 1st for his weight class and possibly 1st overall in the triplet with just shy of 9 rounds.



"Burpee Hell"

10 Rounds for time:

10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees


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Compare to Dec ’09 and April ’10

Coaches Round

Nan_Burpees Couples Burpees 

The third time’s a charm. Today we tackled this brutal couplet for the third time. It was also “Burpee Wednesday”. As Cristin noted recently that we have been doing lots of burpees usually right in the middle of the week. I told her once someone notices a pattern in the programming I try to change it. My change? Throw more burpees back into Wednesday. Remember to keep those jumps high, hands clap overhead and not in front, and hips open at the top. You can’t fail a burpee!

I am off to the CF/USAW Open to root Sean on! This will be an amazing and fun event and I’m personally stoked to see Sean chase a PR in his Oly lifts. Look for updates after his heat is complete on Saturday.

Miranda Prepares for the CrossFit/USAW Open [wmv] [mov]

Yay Thrusters!

Strength WOD:



Check Out WOD Immediately After:

As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 Minutes:
3 Thrusters (95#/65#)
5 AbMat Sit-ups
10 Double-Unders


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Cristin getting strong:

Cristin Thruster 

Quote of the day: “Today is my 1 year anniversary, 162 WOD’s.” ~ Marc

“That is a lot of time to spend with Tom.” ~ Jenna

Congrats to Marc for hitting his 1 year anniversary with us and CrossFit. Some brief highlights: Marc is able to do quite a few new things from when he started; run a 7 minute mile, jump a 24″ box, squat full depth, lift obscene amounts of weight, do push-ups, and almost do a pull-up compared to a year ago. He has completed three nutrition challenges and switched to a Paleo diet. He’s lost 60+ pounds, is no longer on statins, BP and resting heart rate all within normal, bodyfat significantly down, lean muscle mass up, and has a totally new wardrobe!

Before (1 year ago):

Air Squat - 1 Marc Intro WOD


Marc_AbMat Marc_Thruster

Food For Thought:

Celiac Disease Can Develop In Adults – LA Times

Celiac Disease – Wikipedia

Fueling for Performance – Chef By Request

Coverage of the CrossFit/USAW Open:

The CF/USAW Open Will Stream Live For Free

Tour of the Resort [wmv] [mov]

A Month of Awesomeness


Get ready for a week of burpee-licious training! AND a month of Awesomeness…

Yesterday Michelle, Moe and I all completed the CrossFit Movement and Mobility Cert and learned a ton. We look forward to bringing it back to the box and sharing with you all. Rest assured that we will be emphasizing proper warm-ups, pre-WOD stretching and mobility and after-WOD recovery. Do that Mobility WOD for extra credit, it’s one click away over on the right side of the page.

Bottom line: Take care of yourself so you don’t have to have someone else taking care of you.


1-3 October USAW/CrossFit Open in Colorado Springs will be held at Cheyenne Mountain Resort and Sean will be competing on Saturday!

  • Event will be 3 attempts each at 1RM of Snatch and Clean and Jerk (Standard Oly Lifting Event) followed by a CrossFit Triplet: 10 Min. AMRAP of 6 Cleans, 12 Pull-ups, 24 Double-Unders
  • The event will be beamed over the internets! Grab some friends and watch the LIVE Webcast
  • Matt and Cherie Chan demo the CF Triplet [wmv] [mov
  • Friday night will also be head to head competition of “Isabel” (30 Power Snatches for time) between Josh Everett and Dave Lipson; both of whom have sub 1 minute times on record

16 October (Sat.) – “Barbells for Boobs” at King CrossFit from 8:30am to 11:30am 

  • Part of breast cancer awareness month, “Amazing Grace” is a fundraiser sponsored by the CrossFit Journal to benefit Mammograms in Action
  • We are teaming up with King CrossFit in Renton and we are going to their box for this workout for the Saturday WOD. Come represent SRCF!
  • WOD is “Grace“: 30 Clean and Jerks for time (135#/95#) as RX’d
  • Please RSVP
  • There will be NO Saturday class at SnoRidge on 10/16 as we will all go to King

30 October (Sat.) – “Frankenchipper” Halloween WOD at the box from 10am until 12pm

  • Same WOD as last year
  • Costume required (you will do the WOD in it too)!


4 Rounds for Time:

400m Run
25 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)


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Swing away people!

Swing and run

Pistol at Andrews AFB Tactical Fitness Center, MD (i.e. CrossFit gym) after a drop-in for a WOD:

Andrews Pistol

Sitting on the plane the other day as my daughter was crashed out on my lap and keeping me pinned in a semi-torturous position that almost sent me into the “pain cave” I had two options: 1) Wake her up and move her or 2) use the time to myself to self reflect and jot down some blog topics on my iPhone. I picked #2. Having just finished my Outside magazine earlier I had read an article in which the author laid out his “plan or formula for life”. It was simple yet striking at the same time. I thought it was a good read and I dog eared the page to come back to it at some point. Little did I know that the pretzel like position my frame was forced into on the airplane by my seat-hog 5 year old would be a good time to come back to it. I started pecking away on my notepad app and thinking about what it is that I think is a solid formula and one I want to both practice and pass onto my daughter.

My Formula for life:

  1. Engage in intense and hard-ass daily exercise. Intense and hard are relative terms. Your intense and hard may be different than mine, but you alone know when it isn’t either. I do it 6 days a week. Sometimes 5 or even 7 days. It’s important to me because when I have a good workout I usually have a good day.
  2. Fuel and feed yourself with real, quality food.Avoid the crap; the junk food. The stuff that a cartoon character says is healthy or a diet program tells you is worth “points”. I don’t eat for “points”. Simply put, when I eat right I feel right and I have enough energy to stay alert and ready for whatever may come. When I fuel my body this way I can also allow the occasional cheat which makes it all the more an epic experience or memory. I also can take comfort knowing I will live longer and healthier for my loved ones. That alone is worth it.
  3. Choose a good partner and surround yourself with good people and friends. This keeps your heart big, your attitude right and your course correct. (I’m beyond blessed here)
  4. Have goals and dreams. Set goals regularly and don’t be afraid to dream big. Then chase after them. Big goals or small goals do not matter. What matters is the habit you create that will breed success more often than failure. At a minimum it will make you focus on your successes.Whether they are here in the gym, at work, or at home try to achieve them one at a time. Me? I have more goals than I have time to tackle them all. I make lists. I have gym goals and life goals. In fact I need to complete my goal of documenting the 100 things I want to do before I die (I have 67 written down so far).
  5. Work hard and Seize the day.Carpe Diem! Give 100% but don’t forget to have fun. Work hard, give it your best effort but don’t forget to enjoy it and make memories. Balance is key. I struggle here. 😉


Gym is closed on Monday for Labor Day! If you need a WOD to do check out the “Travel WOD” list over on the left side of the site under “Resources”.

Want to learn to climb a rope? Practice. Learn technique. Don’t ignore it. Even the best showed that neglecting those hard skill movements can bite you down the road. Plus rope climbing is just fun! Learn a style and practice in the box.

Mikko Salo Rope Climbs 

Video [wmv] [mov]