
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of each for time:

Power Clean (155#/105#)
Ring Dips


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Michelle and Emily tackling the WOD this morning together:

Michelle and Emily_Power Clean

Michelle and Emily_Ring Dips

Today’s WOD was deceiving! Looking at it makes you think it should be fairly easy and quick. Then at about the round with 7 reps you realize how the heavy cleans and dips are starting to add up. Many WOD’s appear this way, easy on paper. WOD’s like “Cindy”, “Jackie”, and “Fran” are commonly underestimated and thought to be easy. These are the ones more often you want to worry about. Couplets, triplets and singlets are workouts that can generate a whole lot of power when done with good technique and high intensity. Oh and remember that order: good technique and then high intensity!

Coaching Tip:  The Ring Dip with Jeremy and Emily

Jeremy_Ring Dip Emily_Ring Dip

Ring Dips:

  1. Position the rings so that they are below chest level.
  2. Whether you use a band or not, once you are on the rings minimize swinging.
  3. Keeping the rings close to the body, lower your body down until the elbow is higher than the shoulder (pictured). This is usually observed to be at the point where the ring touches the armpit area.
  4. At the bottom push hard and work to pump your legs (if needed) to work the upward momentum.
  5. Finish the rep locked out at the top.


New classes are on the schedule and start this Monday! 6pm classes on Monday and Wednesday with Moe and a 7:30am class on Wednesday with Mark. If they are popular we will keep those additional times.

SQT” WOD Demo with Chris Spealler from on [wmv] [mov]


Several upcoming events are in the hopper. Details and links are on the right under “Upcoming Events”

  • Danskin Triathlon (Sunday 8/15 – Women Only)
  • Railroad Days 5k/10k and Kids 1k (Saturday 8/21 – Open to all)
  • lululemon “5” Fitness Fashion Show at Bellevue Square featuring a CrossFit demo with your coaches (Vogue Fashion Week 8/26 @ 8:30pm) Tickets on sale at the gym
  • Warrior Dash in Oregon (Sunday 9/12)
  • Fight Gone Bad at SRCF with CrossFit Belltown and Compound Fitness (Saturday 9/18)

"Dirty Thirty"

For Time:

30 Box jumps (24″/20″)

30 Jumping Pull-ups

30 KB Swings (53#/35#)

30 Walking Lunges

30 Knees to Elbows

30 Push Press (45#/33#)

30 Back Extensions (or Good Mornings 45#/33#)

30 Wallball (20#/14#)

30 Burpees

30 Double-Unders


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Dirty Thirty Crew:

Push Press_Willy

Dirty Thirty_Don and Mark Gloria_Jumping PU

Sorry to the 7pm class for forgetting to write the scaling/RX movements on the whiteboard. I trust that you all wrote it in your WOD books.

SnoRage dropped in to The Compound tonight for the Dirty Thirty with Travis, Jeremy, and Kim. Good times! Check out their post here.


Feeling like an Iron Chef? Or maybe a Paleo Chef? Check out this recipe. If you make it then let us know what you think!

  • Poached Eggs, Prosciutto, Asparagus and Kholrabi Rosti – by Martha Burton video [wmv] [mov
  • Recipe [pdf]

Watch the final Masters event of the 2010 CF Games competition:

Masters Men [wmv] [mov]

Masters Women [wmv] [mov]

"Hang Up"

Complete 100 Hang Squat Cleans (75#/55#) for time. EMOM: Stop and complete 5 push-ups

* Stop every minute on the minute (EMOM) and complete 5 push-ups. Continue with this rep scheme each minute repeating max reps Hang Squat Cleans and 5 push-ups until you total 100 reps of hang cleans.


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Mish on her way to 100 reps:


A few of us trainers made up this WOD on Sunday after throwing several ideas around. Wanting to do squat cleans with a fixed rep goal with a “penalty” that would get harder as time went on, this is what we decided on. Keeping it light meant you had to sprint, or else the push-ups would start piling up. This is supposed to be a sprint. Each minute your goal is to do fast reps until the clock hits 59 seconds and then you knock out those push-ups and jump right back into it. Pat demonstrated what a true sprint was by his shocking 4:44 time today on this WOD. Although I really shouldn’t be shocked as this is the norm for him!

Steven and Lyndi and the Hang Clean:

Steven_Hang Clean

Lyndi_Hang Clean  Lyndi_Hang Clean 2


Starting NEXT WEEK: Moe will be teaching a 6pm class on Monday and Wednesdays! What this means: The 5pm class needs to run ON TIME. Come late to the 5pm and expect to get a shorter WOD or just scale and move faster. Get in, get your warm-up done quickly and correctly, and get ready for “Go Time”! Stay tuned for more announcements.

How many fish oil capsules should you take? Find out here: Whole9 Fish Oil calculator

We are expecting samples from Barlean’s this week of some of their high quality, kick ass, no stinky burping fish oil. Once it comes in we will put them out first come first serve. Free stuff rocks! We will then be taking orders and will be able to get it at a price that is sure to be cheaper than what you would pay locally. Pricing and ordering will be available in the gym soon.

Sean training hard for Colorado Springs and the 2010 CrossFit/USAW Open:

Sean Training for USAW


Happy birthday Maria!

8 Rounds for Time:

9 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
9 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53#/35#)

9 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

* Degree of difficulty: Use a heavier kettlebell


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Maria celebrating with some birthday swings:

Maria_bday WOD 

Who doesn’t love a birthday WOD? You get to be creative while making a tough WOD all while meeting the challenge of working within certain numbers (age or birthdate). If I hear that the WOD was tougher than expected, or looked easy on the whiteboard, then I know it was effective. This was one of those WOD’s. Great to see Maria choose to come in on her birthday and work hard with the 5pm crew!

We also had a group of CF’ers from Ellensburg drop in last night on their road trip to different boxes in the region. Props to Justin, Ashley, Brenden, and Marshall for coming by and doing their second WOD at our box!


We are working on rolling out schedule changes to add a 7:30am class (1-2 days per week) and a 6pm (2 days per week) very soon. Also we are finalizing pricing changes for September for unlimited and couples. Stay tuned.

Want a Paleo Cookbook? I have not used these but they look pretty cool in the description so thought it would be worth throwing out there. Second Edition Paleo Cookbooks

Sign up for the Railroad Days Race if you are in and let us know! Kids 1k, 5k or 10k races on 8/21. Info on the right.

Command Maintenance


Back when I was in the Army we had a practice every week when we were in garrison (meaning “not in the field or deployed”) called Command Maintenance. This practice was not really fun, it was not necessarily looked forward to, and sometimes not taken anywhere near serious enough. As an Armor unit, we had vehicles. We had M1A1 Abrams, Humvees, various types of trucks, fuelers, ammo haulers, light tracks, tow vehicles, etc. Those vehicles were worked hard. They often were driven hard enough that even though the majority of them had faults and “deadlines” we still used them because we had to. In fact one of my unit’s motto was “Ride ’em hard, put ’em away wet!” 

We trained hard like most units did and we certainly rode ’em hard. What was most important though was that we allocated time and made it mandatory to focus a day on repair, recovery, and maintenance. We spent all day in the motor-pool cleaning, inspecting, swapping parts, checking inventories, and going through repairs to fix and improve our vehicles and our readiness. The ones who took it seriously were the ones that made sure they followed the checklists (no matter how repetitive), they lubed, greased, topped off, and wrote up every single part needed to get on order. Hell the best even came up with ways to get deals made for parts or get bumped in priority with the mechanics. The ones who didn’t take it seriously? Well their vehicles were crap. Typically they had lots of faults, broke often in the field, and were unofficially cannibalized for parts when they were deadlined for a major fault, thus setting them back weeks from training on their own vehicle. Those vehicles usually had the crews that were not as loyal to their vehicle, and it showed. 

What’s the point of this? 

The point is that like my unit did with using and abusing our vehicles, each of us do with our bodies week in and out of the box. We work out hard and play hard. Our bodies scream for a rest day sometimes but we keep going. I encourage all of us each week to take one day to do some “command maintenance”. Rest and sleep in. Make it quality sleep. Eat clean (or if you are hyper vigilant on your diet, then have a solid cheat). Prep some great quality food for the week. Stretch, roll, or work out some kinks. Relax your brain and decrease your stress. Use ice or heat appropriately with ice packs, contrast showers, ice baths, or heat pads, heating pads, or a hot tub (by the way if you have a hot tub we expect an invite). Get a massage or go for a long walk to clear your mind. Read or learn something, set new goals or review ones accomplished. Most importantly, schedule some quality time with family, loved ones or friends. All of these activities will directly impact how you feel, prepare for, and perform during the week. Your body and your mind will repair itself and thank you for it. And you can “ride it hard and put it away wet” the very next week.


Hot or Cold… What’s the Right Choice?” by CrossFit Invictus

Behind the Games: Pt. 2 Preview Video [wmv] [mov]

M and I after a WOD today with a great friend Derek who is in town visiting us (he’s also a coach from CrossFit Morristown):

Three Amigos

Grab Your Partner and Round We Go

In Teams of 2 complete the following for time: 

2000m Row
100 Thrusters (95#/65#)
120 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
140 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
100m Fireman’s Carry (1 per teammate)

* Team can break up reps however they want except you cannot move on to the next exercise until all of the previous one is complete


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Buddy Carry Fireman Carry

Who likes buddy carries? These guys do!

Today was a tough team chipper. Everyone worked their butts off and also got to finish with something we haven’t done before; the fireman’s carry and the buddy carry. Whether you carried your teammate, a Squatch kid, or a very heavy sandbag or two, this one looked like a fun way to end it. After the WOD we spent a quick session on POSE running basics for many of you. Practice those basic tips during warm-ups and we will have to work on a set date for more in-depth direction.

Intro to POSE technique Pt. 1 from CrossFIt [wmv] [mov]

Intro to POSE technique Pt. 2 from CrossFit [wmv] [mov]

POSE and barefoot running reads:

For Humans, Slow and Steady Won the Race

Using Foot Shape to Select Running Shoe is “Sports Myth”

Row, Run, Jump

For Time:

1000m Row
1 Mile Run

50 Double-Unders


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Jana, Lucy and Pat row, run and jump:

Row Run Jump

First off I want to point out that yesterday Tara got her first callous tear on her hand after completing 35 RX pull-ups during the WOD! Great accomplishment on the pull-ups and keep working towards ditching the band!

Keep the inputs on the schedule options coming! See yesterday’s post and please post to comments. We are gonna tally these and look at what to implement ASAP. Early consensus is to leave the 6am as is for now and add a 7:30am and 6pm class 1-2 times a week. The move to a 9am class will be for sure once our daughter starts school in a month.

Tomorrow’s “go time” is 10am. It will be a team WOD so prepare to pair up and get work done! After the WOD for those interested I will give some POSE running instruction, run some drills and then have you all practice. 


The Inaugural CrossFit/USAW Open is this October 1st-3rd in Colorado Springs. This is the first competition event between CrossFit and USA Weightlifting and will feature a sanctioned weightlifting meet of 1RM Snatch, 1RM Clean and Jerk and a CF Triplet that is an AMRAP of squat cleans, pull-ups and double-unders. Competitors will be scored on total load (kg’s) plus reps in the triplet. Many CF’ers are signing up and a few of the top CF’ers from the Games are expected to compete. 

SnoRidge will be represented very well by our very own Sean! I’ll be helping him train and accompanying him to the Cheyenne Mountain Resort to help cheer and watch him display awesomeness on a regular basis. Wish him luck and be sure to remind him to practice his jerks and snatches daily.

Ever done the benchmark WOD “Isabel”? 30 reps for time of power or full (squat) snatch. Most choose power. Load is 135 lbs. for men and 95 lbs. for women. How long would that take you? For most it’s easily a few minutes if not upwards of ten or more. How about 56 seconds?

Dave Lipson “Isabel” [wmv] [mov]


5 Rounds for Time:

15 Deadlift (225#/135#)
20 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

25 Pull-ups

Sgt. Michael Roy, 25, of the Marine Corps Special Operations Forces was KIA on July 8, 2009 in Afghanistan serving our country and protecting all of our freedoms. He is survived by his wife and three children. This Hero WOD is in his honor.


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Rob DL_Roy Hero WOD

Rob grinding through another round (above) as Steph shows off a good deadlift (below):

Steph DL 2 Steph DL


We are conducting a highly unscientific poll about specific class times and potential changes. Please respond to comments!

  • For those who actively come to the 6AM class time: Would you like to see class at 0630 or stay the same at 0600? <0600 or 0630>
  • For those who don’t come to the early class: Would you honestly drag your butt out of bed to come get your WOD on at 0630? <yes, no or I’m still inspecting the back of my eyelids at 0630!>
  • Would you like to see a 0730 Wed. AM class? How about 2 days a week? <yes or no>
  • Would you like to see a 6pm class on Mon. and Wed.? <yes or no>

If you are interested in learning to row on the water then plan on a Saturday in October (tentatively 10/2)! Huge thanks to Lucy for arranging a rowing session at Sammamish Rowing Association on a nice Saturday morning. The session will start on the ergs on land and then transition to boats for some fun in the water! Post to comments if you are interested so we can get a headcount.

One week until the Danskin Tri, two weeks until the Railroad Days 5k/10k, and don’t forget Fight Gone Bad V in September (9/18). Click the icon on the right for more info and to set up a fundraising page to join Team SnoRidge. FGB V will be similar to how we ran this last year and we are partnering with CrossFit Belltown and The Compound and potentially another garage or box.

For Friday only go to Life asRX for a 20% off discount code on their T Shirts. Plug in the code “unbroken” when you checkout.

Hang It Up

Strength WOD:

Hang Power Snatch


Checkout WOD immediately after:

3 Rounds for Time: 

20 Hang Power Snatch (75#/55#)
20 Overhead Barbell Walking Lunge (75#/55#)
200m Run


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Jana and Scott get extended:

Extension_Jana Extension_Scott

Girl Power:

Walking the Barbell

Tough warm-up, strength focus, then technique time with the hang snatch. This checkout was tougher than it looks. Moe certainly thought so (see the results pic for her quote on the Whiteboard). Spending time staying a little lighter proved valuable for many to break the “muscle-snatch” habit. Learning the Burgener warm-up is another key. Practice with PVC, stick or bar and groove the movements!

For those of us who were at the 5pm class; you got to see something really cool and rare for a CF gym. You got to see someone squat snatching more than their bodyweight. Sean displayed great form and technique pulling under the bar super quick to end up 20 pounds over his bodyweight. Doing it cleanly was even more impressive. 

Congrats to Sean who snatched 195 lbs.!

Sean_Snatch PR 195


Food for thought: Ever miss a rep in a WOD? Lose track of where you are? Or get so consumed with finishing that you honestly forget an entire movement or set? It happens to the best of us. Not intentionally, but it happens. The question is what do you do? How do you handle it? Would you knowingly count something that you know shouldn’t have? Would you ignore that the whole purpose of the daily workout is to get fitter, to do all the reps as prescribed? Well fortunately, I think the overwhleming majority of CrossFitters would handle it with integrity. And so does this author.

Read “Self-Reported Versus Rigourously Judged WOD Results

Also read CrossFit Redmond’s short but well put post on the same topic “Not Counting Reps

Fun video: Check out this ninja from San Fran CF! I would kill for 1/4 of his skills!


Raise Your Hands If You're Sure

As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes of:

5 Ring Rows
10 Push-ups (hands release from floor)

15 Squats (hands reach overhead)

Degree of Difficulty: Sub 5 Ring Pull-ups or 5 Muscle-ups for Ring Rows


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Ring Ppull-ups and Push-ups

Raise the roof and Over the Box Jumps:

Raise your hands if you're sure Graham Over the Box Jump

After a couple discussion topics with Michelle, Moe and I this afternoon and another conversation tonight Michelle and I had a brainstorm session. “Uh oh, what does that mean” you ask? No the WOD’s aren’t going to all include running (sorry to disappoint some of you) and no we aren’t going to ban thrusters and burpees from all workouts. We are however looking at implementing some changes. 

We are reviewing pricing, class times, Elements, skills sessions, CF Kids, events and more. We are committing to announce a new pricing structure starting next month that will include: a lower monthly unlimited price and a lower rate for spouses. Who doesn’t like to pay less? We are examining our current class schedule to see what times we can tweak and also explore times that we can offer a new class or two. We are working on our trial CF Kids program (ages, times, structure, price, etc.) where it will be first come first serve and limited initially to current members children only. 

Starting this Saturday we will have our first post WOD Skills Clinic for those interested (30 minutes long). This will be a monthly clinic where once a month after the WOD (remember Saturday WOD is 10am only) I will be picking a skill and instructing those who want to stick around. First up is POSE running. We also are looking at easier payment and scheduling tools to make things likes paying dues and signing up for WOD’s easier.

These are just a few things on the horizon. Seeing as Michelle says I am horrible at surprises I figured I would spill some of it now. 


2010 CrossFit Games: The Men [pdf]

Video: Individual Event 4, Heat 4 “The Sandbag/Wheelbarrow Move WOD”