Cleans and Snatches

Main Class:

In Teams of 2, complete 20 Rounds for time:

3 Squat Clean (115#/75#)
3 Power Snatch (115#/75#)

* One bar. Alternate each round with your partner. (10 rounds each partner)

Advanced RX Class:

10 Rounds for time:

3 Squat Clean (135#/95#)
3 Power Snatch (135#/95#)

Rest 2 Minutes, then complete:

2 Min. Max Rep Burpee Muscle-ups or Burpee Pull-ups


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The Line-up:

Line Up

Congrats and fist bumps to Craig who got his first FIVE muscle-ups yesterday:

Craig_MU - 1  Craig_MU - 2  Craig_MU - 3

Media Coverage at the 2013 Regionals

Chris Spealler does “Chunky Diane” with 315# and parallette HSPU’s. That load is the equivalent of 2 times bodyweight plus 15 more lbs. for 45 reps (He weighs 151 lbs.). 

Sean Lind does Freestanding HSPU and Power Snatches with 185#. Plus he is wearing our Brutal Fun shirt!