"Grace or Isabel"


For Time
30 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)



For Time
30 Snatch – Power/Squat or Split (135#/95#)


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On to the next one:

Grace and Isabel - 22

Grace and Isabel - 24 
Skills and Drills - 4

I love these two benchmarks. Grace is one of my favorites. Fast, hard, heavy, effective. I also like them both because it doesn’t feel like Fran during and after! Both Isabel and Grace are workouts that take most CrossFitters a large amount of time to work up to in strength and technique and when they do it’s a great feeling to do it as RX’d. Like most of the “Girl” WOD’s when you see it you think “that doesn’t look hard” and then they show you why they are named after women cause as Coach Glassman said “after it’s over you find yourself flat on your back gasping for air and asking what the f*ck just happened to me?”

These two WOD’s are meant to feel heavy. Ideally they are also done with good technique at a “grip it and rip it” speed. If the weight isn’t necessarily heavy then they better be darn fast but done right. I emphasize done right because there are countless videos out there with slop form showing fast times. Other variations are “Heavy or Fat” Grace at 155# (M) /105# (W), Log Grace, Sandbag Grace, Throwing Grace, Squat Snatch Isabel, you get the idea. If you even more inclined for some brutal fun you can do both back to back for “Isa-Grace”. 

Josh Everett, Isabel from CrossFit.com [wmv] [mov]

“Isagrace” with Josh Everett from CrossFit.com [wmv] [mov]


Big chest bumps, fist bumps and double high fives to Graham who got his 1st muscle-up today post WOD! Some of us missed it as we were running the second class outside but suffice to say the cheering coming from inside the box afterwards was pretty epic. 

We are working on another deep dive nutrition lecture/discussion in the gym from the folks at Whole 9.  Not sure yet but stay tuned for details if we can hopefully make this happen!

Double-Under Challenge. Don’t forget to do them…