
For Load:

15-12-9 reps of 
Clean and Jerk


  1. Choose a weight
  2. Touch and Go only at the floor; no dumping
  3. No Re-grip allowed
  4. Rest only off the ground and as needed between sets 
  5. Use same load each set to be RX’d


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A Couple of Jerks:

Jenna_Push Jerk Sean_Push Jerk

This is an old WOD from the main site that has made numerous appearances over the years. It is traditionally supposed to include squat cleans over power cleans, but like Grace and Isabel the several posts I found never clearly specify squat for power so for our purposes it’s any type of clean and push jerk or split jerk. Maybe next time this will be squat clean and jerks only.

I did this WOD once in my garage and not as RX’d as I adjusted the weight. My notes from this said “Massive Suck! Makes Grace seem easy. Fought like Hell each set to not give up.” Reading that strangely made me want to program it in. Then I started it today and reached ten reps and thought “Oh shit, why did I program this in?”

Special thanks to Jeremy D. for running the 7pm class tonight. We owe you!

Thursday is Funday! We will be choosing from several exercises and movements for a bunch of max efforts. Bring long socks too if you want to learn how to climb the rope. 


No 6am Class and note that Friday, Saturday and Monday we are closed! We are at the 2010 CrossFit Games!

Saturday 7/17 WOD: 10am at Swenson Park (over in Deer Park off Snoqualmie Parkway and Swenson Dr.) Curtis will be leading a team WOD. Show up and have some fun! Meet on the basketball court. Post to comments or let Curtis know if you are in!

Moe is on vacation in CA and has been dropping in at Mike’s Gym for Oly LIfting workouts. She also met up with Coach Burgener (CrossFit Olympic Lifting and USA Weightlifting Coach). Too cool!

Moe and Coach Burgener