Hold On

Main Class:

Teams of 2 complete for time:

Chin Over Bar Pull-up Hold
60 Hand Release Push-ups

Deadlift Hold (225#/155#)
1000m Row

100m Run
80 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)

Overhead Bumper Plate Hold (45#/25#)
100 Squats 

* One bar per team, Partner 1 begins with the hold (or run) while Partner 2 begins completing the required number of reps. (ex. Partner 1 holds Chin Over bar while Partner 2 completes HR Push-ups. Swap when partner 1 drops from bar)
** Switch when Partner 1 cannot maintain the hold position (or when Partner 1 returns from the 100m run) 
*** Alternate until the task is done and move on.

Advanced RX Class:

Skills WOD:

3 Rounds not for time of:

50 ft. Handstand Walk
30 Sec. L Sit (Rings)
2 Rope Climbs (practice 15′, 20′, or Legless)

As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes of:

100 ft. Overhead Barbell Carry (155#/105#)
5 Muscle-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings (70#/53#)


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Hold and Push

Deadlift holds

Mikko Salo, 2009 Games champ and one of my favorite CrossFitters returns to the Games this year. This guy embodies CrossFit and some of the best aspects of the community. I know of no other Regional athlete that while competing in their Regional also stuck around each day to help the equipment crew prep the rigs and layout for the next day’s workouts.

I like the quote at the end of the video that shows his perspective on CrossFit, the Games and where it fits into his everyday life. In his broken English he says:

“Real life is somewhere else. This is just grown people playing. Playing around. You shouldn’t take too serious about this. It’s a great way of life and a great sport but still there are real stuff also in the world.”

A Champion Returns” with Mikko Salo – [video]

“I promise if I make the Games then I will learn to butterfly (pull-up).” ~ Mikko Salo on finally addressing a big weakness.

Class Schedule Update:

During the CrossFit Games (25-29 July) we will have a modified class schedule as the we travel down for our annual Games-cation. Coach Moe will be running several classes a day but not all classes will be available during those days. Stay tuned as we announce the schedule soon.

Chad Mackay Does 14 Touch and Go Snatches at 185

Legless Rope Climb:

Legless Climb_Lisa