Ladder AMRAP

Strength WOD:


Conditioning WOD:

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 8 Minutes of:

Kettlebell Swing (70#/53#)
Thruster (95#/65#)

* Start at one rep for each movement.  For each round add one rep, for example for round 2 do 2 KB Swings, and 2 Thrusters, for round 3 do 3 KB Swings and 3 Thrusters, and so on.


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Over the Shoulder(s):

Press_Over the Shoulder

Great work on the strict press today. This is one lift where every little adjustment makes or breaks that barbell path as it goes up off the shoulders. Knowing when to breathe, how to stay tight, grip, elbow and hand position etc. must be consistent or you will stall. 

Conditioning workout worthy of an Open WOD:

KB Thruster Ladder


Congrats to Anna S. for achieving her 500th WOD yesterday!

Rob and Rona just came back from the CrossFit Tour Big Sky Montana Affiliate Gathering. Here’s a good write up of what they watched over the past weekend. Sounds like a ton of CrossFit fun.

Visions of Big Sky CrossFit Tour