Mad Max

Max Reps in 10 minutes of:

Front Squat (75#/55#)


Front Squats (Note the various positions of elbows, wrists, knees, and chests):
JimC_Front Squat DebL_Front Squat JimM_Front Squat
Justin_Front Squat

Wrist flexibility. It’s a key to good form and technique in Olympic weightlifting or any type of barbell exercise. In the squat movements it allows you to receive that bar into the proper rack position and safely hold the bar in a natural “shelf” on your upper chest and shoulders with the fingertips loose to control the bar. Many of you complained of how your wrists hurt mid-way through the WOD. Stick with the “elbows up” and the bar back on your fingertips, it will improve and the flexibility will come. 

Front Squat cues:
  1. Stance = Shoulder width
  2. Bar racked on “shelf” of upper shoulders 
  3. Elbows high, wrists cocked back with loose fingertips holding bar 
  4. Maintain lumbar curve
  5. Squat back and down below parallel 
  6. Think “Chest Up!”, fight falling forward by keeping elbows up 
  7. Stand up with open hips
  8. Eyes on horizon 
Deb and Adriana did their first WOD RX’d today! Congrats! It takes time and a little patience to progress up in weight, range of motion or technique to get to a RX’d WOD. Scaling is a good thing. Just as you learn anything in life, it takes practice.

Here’s a link to a good front squat demo (with horrible music) on the CrossFit Exercises and Demo section: [mov] [wmv]

This should give you a visual of what is good and what is poor form.

We start moving equipment this weekend. The bulk of equipment will go over tomorrow late afternoon. On Monday we are planning to host a 10am morning WOD. That will be the only WOD for Monday due to the holiday. Please come and afterwards we all plan to invade either Mike’s Grill or one of the coffee shops for a bite to support our local businesses.

Last but not least, Deb S. finally passed the kidney stones that have been causing her pain. Click here to see them: View this photo